160512 经典文学《简·爱》第79期

160512 经典文学《简·爱》第79期

2016-05-12    02'06''

主播: Fred英语笔记

6795 387

One evening, in the beginning of June, I had stayed out very late with Mary Ann in the wood; 六月初的一个晚上,我与玛丽·安在林子里逗留得很晚。 We had, as usual, separated ourselves from the others, and had wandered far. 像往常一样,我们又与别人分道扬镳,闲逛到了很远的地方。 So far that we lost our way, and had to ask it at a lonely cottage, where a man and woman lived, who looked after a herd of half-wild swine that fed on the mast in the wood. 远得终于使我们迷了路,而不得不去一间孤零零的茅舍回路。那里住着一男一女,养了一群以林间山毛榉为食的半野的猪。 When we got back, it was after moonrise. 回校时,己经是明月高挂。 A pony, which we knew to be the surgeon's, was standing at the garden door. 一匹我们知道是外科医生骑的小马,呆在花园门口。 Mary Ann remarked that she supposed some one must be very ill, as Mr. Bates had been sent for at that time of the evening. 玛丽.安说她猜想一定是有人病得很重,所以才在晚间这个时候请贝茨先生来。 She went into the house. 她先进了屋。 经典文学《简·爱》 I stayed behind a few minutes to plant in my garden a handful of roots I had dug up in the forest, 我在外面呆了几分钟,把才从森林里挖来的一把树根栽在花园里, and which I feared would wither if I left them till the morning. 怕留到第二天早晨会枯死。 This done, I lingered yet a little longer. 栽好以后,我又多耽搁了一会儿。 The flowers smelt so sweet as the dew fell. 沾上露水的花异香扑鼻。 It was such a pleasant evening, so serene, so warm. 这是一个可爱的夜晚,那么宁静,又那么温煦。 The still glowing west promised so fairly another fine day on the morrow. 西边的天际依旧一片红光,预示着明天又是个好天。 The moon rose with such majesty in the grave east. 月亮从黯淡的东方庄严地升起。 I was noting these things and enjoying them as a child might, 我注意着这一切,尽一个孩子所能欣赏着。 when it entered my mind as it had never done before: "How sad to be lying now on a sick bed, and to be in danger of dying!" 这时我脑子里出现了一个从未有过的想法:“这会儿躺在病床上,面临着死亡的威胁是多么悲哀呀!” This world is pleasant — it would be dreary to be called from it, and to have to go who knows where? 这个世界是美好的,把人从这里唤走,到一个谁都不知道的地方去,会是一件十分悲惨的事。 And then my mind made its first earnest effort to comprehend what had been infused into it concerning heaven and hell, and for the first time it recoiled, baffled. 随后我的脑袋第一次潜心来理解已被灌输进去的天堂和地狱的内涵,而且也第一次退缩了,迷惑不解了。 And for the first time glancing behind, on each side, and before it, it saw all round an unfathomed gulf. 也是第一次左右前后扫视着。它在自己的周围看到了无底的深渊。 It felt the one point where it stood — the present. 感到除了现在这一立足点之外。 All the rest was formless cloud and vacant depth. 其余一切都是无形的浮云和空虚的深渊。 And it shuddered at the thought of tottering, and plunging amid that chaos. 想到自己摇摇晃晃要落入一片混乱之中,便不禁颤抖起来。 While pondering this new idea, I heard the front door open. 我正细细咀嚼着这个新想法,却听得前门开了。 Mr. Bates came out, and with him was a nurse. 贝茨先生走了出来,由一个护士陪同着。 After she had seen him mount his horse and depart, she was about to close the door, but I ran up to her. 她目送贝茨先生上马离去后,正要关门,我一个箭步到了她跟前。