160511 经典文学《简·爱》第78期

160511 经典文学《简·爱》第78期

2016-05-11    02'27''

主播: Fred英语笔记

7838 367

A shrewd, observant personage, whose society I took pleasure in, partly because she was witty and original, and partly because she had a manner which set me at my ease. 这个人聪明伶俐,目光敏锐。我喜欢同她相处,一半是因为她机灵而有头脑,一半是因为她的神态使人感到无拘无束。 Some years older than I, she knew more of the world, and could tell me many things I liked to hear, with her my curiosity found gratification. 她比我大几岁,更了解世情,能告诉我很多我乐意听的东西,满足我的好奇心。 to my faults also she gave ample indulgence, never imposing curb or rein on anything I said. 对我的缺陷她也能宽容姑息,从不对我说的什么加以干涉。 She had a turn for narrative, I for analysis. 她擅长叙述,我善于分析。 she liked to inform, I to question. 她喜欢讲,我喜欢问。 so we got on swimmingly together, deriving much entertainment, if not much improvement, from our mutual intercourse. 我们两个处得很融洽,就是得不到很大长进,也有不少乐趣。 And where, meantime, was Helen Burns? 与此同时,海伦.彭斯哪儿去了呢? Why did I not spend these sweet days of liberty with her? 为什么我没有同她共度这些自由自在的舒心日子? Had I forgotten her? Or was I so worthless as to have grown tired of her pure society? 是我把她忘了,还是我本人不足取,居然对她纯洁的交往感到了厌倦? 经典文学《简·爱》 Surely the Mary Ann Wilson I have mentioned was inferior to my first acquaintance. 当然我所提及的玛丽.安.威尔逊要逊于我的第一位相识。 She could only tell me amusing stories, and reciprocate any racy and pungent gossip I chose to indulge in. 她只不过能给我讲些有趣的故事,回对一些我所津津乐道的辛辣活泼的闲聊。 While, if I have spoken truth of Helen, she was qualified to give those who enjoyed the privilege of her converse a taste of far higher things. 而海伦呢,要是我没有说错,她足以使有幸听她谈话的人品味到高级得多的东西。 True, reader, and I knew and felt this. 确实如此,读者,我明白,并感觉到了这一点。 And though I am a defective being, with many faults and few redeeming points, 尽管我是一个很有缺陷的人,毛病很多,长处很少, yet I never tired of Helen Burns, nor ever ceased to cherish for her a sentiment of attachment, 但我决不会嫌弃海伦,也不会不珍惜对她的亲情。 as strong, tender, and respectful as any that ever animated my heart. 这种亲情同激发我心灵的任何感情一样强烈,一样温柔,一样令人珍重。 How could it be otherwise, when Helen, at all times and under all circumstances, evinced for me a quiet and faithful friendship, 不论何时何地,海伦都向我证实了一种平静而忠实的友情, which ill-humour never soured, nor irritation never troubled? 闹别扭或者发脾气都不会带来丝毫损害。 But Helen was ill at present. 可是海伦现在病倒了。 For some weeks she had been removed from my sight to I knew not what room upstairs. 她从我面前消失,搬到楼上的某一间房子,已经有好几周了。 She was not, I was told, in the hospital portion of the house with the fever patients, for her complaint was consumption, not typhus. 听说她不在学校的医院部同发烧病人在一起,因为她患的是肺病,不是斑疹伤寒。 And by consumption I, in my ignorance, understood something mild, which time and care would be sure to alleviate. 在我幼稚无知的心灵中,认为肺病比较和缓,待以时日并悉心照料,肯定是可以好转的。 I was confirmed in this idea by the fact of her once or twice coming downstairs on very warm sunny afternoons, and being taken by Miss Temple into the garden. 我的想法得到了证实,因为她偶尔在风和日丽的下午下楼来,由坦普尔小姐带着步入花园。 But, on these occasions, I was not allowed to go and speak to her. 但在这种场合,她们不允许我上去同她说话。 I only saw her from the schoolroom window, and then not distinctly; 我只不过从教室的窗户中看到了她,而且又看不清楚, for she was much wrapped up, and sat at a distance under the verandah. 因为她裹得严严实实,远远地坐在回廊上。