160620 经典文学《简·爱》 第92期

160620 经典文学《简·爱》 第92期

2016-06-20    01'53''

主播: Fred英语笔记

4264 334

Did she send you here, Bessie? 是她派你到这里来的吗,贝茜? No, indeed, but I have long wanted to see you, 说真的,不是。我倒早就想见你了。 and when I heard that there had been a letter from you, and that you were going to another part of the country, 我听说你写了信来,说是要去远地方, I thought I'd just set off, and get a look at you before you were quite out of my reach. 我想我还是乘你还没有远走高飞的时候,动身来见你一面。” "I am afraid you are disappointed in me, Bessie." I said this laughing. “恐怕你对我失望了吧,贝茜。”说完我笑了起来。 I perceived that Bessie's glance, though it expressed regard, did in no shape denote admiration. 我发觉贝茜的目光虽然流露出关切,却丝毫没有赞赏之意。 No, Miss Jane, not exactly. 不,简小姐,不完全这样。 You are genteel enough. You look like a lady. 你够文雅的了,你看上去像个贵妇人。 And it is as much as ever I expected of you: you were no beauty as a child. 当然你还是我所预料的那样,还是孩子的时候你就长得不漂亮。 I smiled at Bessie's frank answer. 我对贝茵坦率的回答报之以微笑。 I felt that it was correct, but I confess I was not quite indifferent to its import. 我想她说得对,不过我承认,我对这话的含义并没有无动于衷。 At eighteen most people wish to please, 在十八岁的年纪上,大多数人都希望能讨人喜欢, and the conviction that they have not an exterior likely to second that desire brings anything but gratification. 而她们相信,自己并不具备有助于实现这种愿望的外表时,心里是绝不会高兴的。 "I dare say you are clever, though," continued Bessie, by way of solace. “不过我想你很聪明,”贝茜继续说,以表示安慰。 What can you do? Can you play on the piano? 你会什么?能弹钢琴吗? A little. 会一点儿。 There was one in the room. 房内有一架钢琴。 Bessie went and opened it, and then asked me to sit down and give her a tune. 贝茜走过去把它打开,随后要我坐下来给她弹个曲子。 I played a waltz or two, and she was charmed. 我弹了一两曲华尔兹,她听得着了迷。 "The Miss Reeds could not play as well!" said she exultingly. “两位里德小姐弹不了这么好!”她欣喜地说。 I always said you would surpass them in learning, and can you draw? 我总是说你在学问上一定会超过她们的,你能画吗? That is one of my paintings over the chimney-piece. 壁炉架上的那幅画就是我画的。 It was a landscape in water colours, of which I had made a present to the superintendent, 这是一幅水彩风景画,我把它作为礼物送给了校长, in acknowledgment of her obliging mediation with the committee on my behalf, and which she had framed and glazed. 以感谢她代表我在委员会中所作的善意斡旋。她把这幅画加了框,还上了光。 Well, that is beautiful, Miss Jane! It is as fine a picture as any Miss Reed's drawing-master could paint, 嗬,好漂亮,简小姐!它同里德小姐的绘画老师作的画一样好, let alone the young ladies themselves, who could not come near it, and have you learnt French? 更不要说年轻小姐她们自己了,她们同你天差地远。你学法语了吗? Yes, Bessie, I can both read it and speak it. 学了,贝茵,我能读还能讲。 And you can work on muslin and canvas? 你会做细布和粗布上的刺绣活吗? I can. 我会。