160622 经典文学《简·爱》 第93期

160622 经典文学《简·爱》 第93期

2016-06-22    01'49''

主播: Fred英语笔记

8805 351

Oh, you are quite a lady, Miss Jane! 啊,你是个大家闺秀啦,简小姐! I knew you would be. 我早知道你会的。 you will get on whether your relations notice you or not. 不管你的亲戚理不理你,照样会有长进。 There was something I wanted to ask you. 我有件事儿要问你。 Have you ever heard anything from your father's kinsfolk, the Eyres? 你父亲的亲属,有没有写过信给你,就是那些姓爱的人? Never in my life. 这辈子还没有。 Well, you know Missis always said they were poor and quite despicable: 啊,你知道太太常说,他们又穷又让人瞧不起。 And they may be poor; but I believe they are as much gentry as the Reeds are; 穷倒是可能的,但我相信他们像里德家的人一样有绅士派头。 For one day, nearly seven years ago, a Mr. Eyre came to Gateshead and wanted to see you. 大约七年前的一天,一位爱先生来到盖茨黑德,而且要见见你。 Missis said you were at school fifty miles off. 太太说你在五十英里外的学校里。 He seemed so much disappointed, for he could not stay. 他好像很失望,因为他不能多呆。 He was going on a voyage to a foreign country, and the ship was to sail from London in a day or two. 他要乘船到外国去,一两天后从伦敦开航。 He looked quite a gentleman, and I believe he was your father's brother. 他看上去完全像个绅士,我想他是你父亲的兄弟。 What foreign country was he going to, Bessie? 他上国外哪个国家,贝茜? An island thousands of miles off, where they make wine — the butler did tell me... 几千英里外的一个岛,那儿出产酒 — 管家告诉我的。 "Madeira?" I suggested. “马德拉岛?”我提醒了一下。 Yes, that is it — that is the very word. 对,就是这地方 — 就是这几个字。 So he went? 那他走了? Yes, he did not stay many minutes in the house: 是的,他在屋里没有呆上几分钟。 Missis was very high with him; 太太对他很傲慢。 She called him afterwards a sneaking tradesman. 后来她把他叫作一个狡猾的生意人. My Robert believes he was a wine-merchant. 我那位罗伯特估计他是个酒商。 "Very likely," I returned; "or perhaps clerk or agent to a wine-merchant." “很可能,”我回答,“或者酒商的职员或代理人。” Bessie and I conversed about old times an hour longer, and then she was obliged to leave me. 贝茜和我又谈了一个钟头的往事,后来,她不得不告辞了。 I saw her again for a few minutes the next morning at Lowton, while I was waiting for the coach. 第二天在洛顿侯车时又见了她五分钟。 We parted finally at the door of the Brocklehurst Arms there. Each went her separate way. 最后我们在布洛克赫斯特纹章旅店的门边分手,各走各的路, She set off for the brow of Lowood Fell to meet the conveyance which was to take her back to Gateshead. 她动身去罗沃德山岗搭车回盖茨黑德。 I mounted the vehicle which was to bear me to new duties and a new life in the unknown environs of Millcote. 而我登上了车子,让它把我带往米尔科特那个陌生的郊区,从事新的使命,开始新的生活。