160704  经典文学《简·爱》 第97期

160704 经典文学《简·爱》 第97期

2016-07-04    02'58''

主播: Fred英语笔记

6608 439

"I'll see it carried into your room," she said, and bustled out. “我来叫人搬到你房间去,”她说着,急急忙忙走了出去。 "She treats me like a visitor," thought I. “她把我当客人看待了,”我想。 I little expected such a reception; 我没有料到会受到这样的接待。 I anticipated only coldness and stiffness. 我所期望的只是冷漠与生硬。 This is not like what I have heard of the treatment of governesses, but I must not exult too soon. 这不像我耳闻的家庭女教师的待遇。但我也决不能高兴得太早。 She returned, with her own hands cleared her knitting apparatus and a book or two from the table, 她回来了,亲自动手从桌上把她的编织工具和一两本书挪开, to make room for the tray which Leah now brought, and then herself handed me the refreshments. 为莉娅端来的托盘腾出了地方。接着她亲自把点心递给我。 I felt rather confused at being the object of more attention than I had ever before received, 我颇有些受宠若惊,我从来没有受到过这样的关心, and, that too, shown by my employer and superior. 况且这种关心来自我的雇主和上司。 But as she did not herself seem to consider she was doing anything out of her place, 可是她似乎并不认为自己的行动有什么出格, I thought it better to take her civilities quietly. 所以我想还是对她的礼仪采取默认态度好。 "Shall I have the pleasure of seeing Miss Fairfax tonight?" “今晚我能见一见费尔法克斯小姐吗?” I asked, when I had partaken of what she offered me. 我吃完了她递给我的点心后问。 "What did you say, my dear? I am a little deaf," returned the good lady, approaching her ear to my mouth. “你说什么呀,亲爱的,我耳朵有些背。”这位好心的夫人问道,一边把耳朵凑近我的嘴巴。 I repeated the question more distinctly. 我把这个问题更清楚地重复了一遍。 Miss Fairfax? Oh, you mean Miss Varens! Varens is the name of your future pupil. 费尔法克斯小姐?噢,你的意思是瓦伦小姐!瓦伦是你要教的学生的名字。 Indeed! Then she is not your daughter? 真的,那她不是你女儿? No, I have no family. 不是,我没有家庭。 I should have followed up my first inquiry, by asking in what way Miss Varens was connected with her. 我本想接着第一个问题继续往下问,问她瓦伦小姐同她是什么关系。 But I recollected it was not polite to ask too many questions. 但转念一想,觉得问那么多问题不太礼貌。 Besides, I was sure to hear in time. 更何况,到时候我肯定会有所闻的。 "I am so glad," she continued, as she sat down opposite to me, and took the cat on her knee. “我很高兴,”她在我对面坐下,把那只猫放到膝头,继续说。 I am so glad you are come. 我很高兴你来了。 It will be quite pleasant living here now with a companion. 现在有人作伴,住在这儿是很愉快的。 To be sure it is pleasant at any time. 当然,什么时候都很愉快。 For Thornfield is a fine old hall, rather neglected of late years perhaps, but still it is a respectable place. 桑菲尔德是一个很好的老庄园,也许近几年有些冷落,但它还是个体面的地方。 Yet you know in winter-time one feels dreary quite alone in the best quarters. 不过你知道,在冬天,即使住在最好的房子里你也会觉得孤独凄凉的。 I say alone — Leah is a nice girl to be sure, and John and his wife are very decent people. 我说孤独 — 莉娅当然是位可爱的姑娘,约翰夫妇是正派人。 But then you see they are only servants, and one can't converse with them on terms of equality. 但你知道他们不过是仆人,总不能同他们平等交谈吧。 one must keep them at due distance, for fear of losing one's authority. 你得同他们保持适当的距离、免得担心失去威信。 I 'm sure last winter (it was a very severe one, if you recollect, and when it did not snow, it rained and blew) , 确实去年冬天(如果你还记得的话,那是个很冷的冬天,不是下雪,就是刮风下雨), not a creature but the butcher and postman came to the house, from November till February. 从十一月到今年二月,除了卖肉的和送信的,没有人到府上来过。 And I really got quite melancholy with sitting night after night alone. 一夜一夜地独自坐着,我真感到忧伤。 I had Leah in to read to me sometimes; but I don't think the poor girl liked the task much. 有时我让莉娅进来读些东西给我听听,不过我想这可怜姑娘并不喜欢这差使。 She felt it confining. 她觉得这挺束缚人。 In spring and summer one got on better. 春秋两季情况好些。 Sunshine and long days make such a difference. 阳光和长长的白天使得一切大不相同。 And then, just at the commencement of this autumn, little Adela Varens came and her nurse. 随后,秋季刚刚开始,小阿德拉.瓦伦和她的保姆就来了。 A child makes a house alive all at once. 一个孩子立刻使一幢房子活了起来。 And now you are here I shall be quite gay. 而现在你也来了,我会非常愉快。