161203 经典文学《简·爱》第104期

161203 经典文学《简·爱》第104期

2016-12-03    01'55''

主播: Fred英语笔记

2227 233

After breakfast, Adele and I withdrew to the library, which room, it appears, 吃了早饭,阿黛勒和我进了图书室。 Mr. Rochester had directed should be used as the schoolroom. 罗切斯特先生好像曾吩咐把这用作教室。 Most of the books were locked up behind glass doors, 大部分书籍都锁在玻璃门内, but there was one bookcase left open containing everything that could be needed in the way of elementary works, 但有一个书架却是敞开的,上面摆着基础教育所需要的各类书籍, and several volumes of light literature, poetry, biography, travels, a few romances, etc. 和几部轻松的文学作品、诗歌、传记、游记和一些传奇故事等。 I suppose he had considered that these were all the governess would require for her private perusal. 我猜想这些就是他认为家庭女教师自个儿想看的书。 And, indeed, they contented me amply for the present. 的确,有这些书眼下我已经心满意足。 Compared with the scanty pickings I had now and then been able to glean at Lowood, 同罗沃德书苑偶尔的少量采摘相比, they seemed to offer an abundant harvest of entertainment and information. 这里所奉献的却是知识和娱乐的大丰收了。 经典文学《简·爱》 In this room, too, there was a cabinet piano, quite new and of superior tone; 在房子里还有一架小巧的钢琴,成 色很新,音调优美。 also an easel for painting and a pair of globes. 此外,还有一个画架和一对地球仪。 I found my pupil sufficiently docile, though disinclined to apply. 我发觉我的学生相当听话,虽然不大肯用功。 She had not been used to regular occupation of any kind. 对任何正儿八经的事她都不习惯。 I felt it would be injudicious to confine her too much at first. 我觉得一开始就给她过多限制是不明智的。 So, when I had talked to her a great deal, and got her to learn a little, 我已给她讲了很多,也使她学了点东西。 and when the morning had advanced to noon, I allowed her to return to her nurse. 因此早晨过去,渐近中午时,我便允许她回到保姆那儿去了。 I then proposed to occupy myself till dinner-time in drawing some little sketches for her use. 随后我打算在午饭前画些小小的素描,供她学习用。 As I was going upstairs to fetch my portfolio and pencils, Mrs. Fairfax called to me: 我正上楼去取画夹和铅笔,费尔法克斯太太叫住了我: "Your morning school-hours are over now, I suppose," said she. “我想你上午的课结束了吧,”她说。 She was in a room the folding-doors of which stood open. 她正在一个房间里,房间的折门开着。 I went in when she addressed me. 她招呼我时我便走了进去。 It was a large, stately apartment, with purple chairs and curtains, 这是个气派不凡的大房间,紫色的椅子,紫色的窗帘, a Turkey carpet, walnut-panelled walls, one vast window rich in slanted glass, and a lofty ceiling, nobly moulded. 土耳其地毯,墙上是胡挑木做的镶板,一扇巨大无比的窗,装配了色彩丰富的染色玻璃,天花板很高,浇铸得宏伟壮丽。 Mrs. Fairfax was dusting some vases of fine purple spar, which stood on a sideboard. 费尔法克斯太太正给餐具柜上几个紫色晶石花瓶拂去灰尘。 来源:可可英语