170104 经典文学《简·爱》第131期

170104 经典文学《简·爱》第131期

2017-01-04    02'10''

主播: Fred英语笔记

2092 154

"Is Miss Eyre there?" now demanded the master, half rising from his seat to look round to the door, near which I still stood. "爱小姐在吗?"此刻这位主人发问了。他从座位上欠起身子,回过头来看看门口,我仍站在门旁。 Ah! well, come forward; be seated here. 啊!好吧,到前面来,坐在这儿吧。 He drew a chair near his own. 他把一张椅子拉到自己椅子的旁边。 "I am not fond of the prattle of children," he continued; "我不大喜欢听孩子咿咿呀呀,"他继续说, "for, old bachelor as I am, I have no pleasant associations connected with their lisp. "因为像我这样的老单身汉,他们的喃喃细语,不会让我引起愉快的联想。 It would be intolerable to me to pass a whole evening tete-e-tete with a brat. 同一个娃娃面对面消磨整个晚上,让我实在受不了。 Don't draw that chair farther off, Miss Eyre; sit down exactly where I placed it - if you please, that is. 别把椅子拉得那么开,爱小姐。就在我摆着的地方坐下来 - 当然,要是你乐意。 Confound these civilities! I continually forget them. 让那些礼节见鬼去吧!我老是把它们忘掉。 Nor do I particularly affect simple-minded old ladies. 我也不特别喜爱头脑简单的老妇人。 By-the-bye, I must have mine in mind; it won't do to neglect her. 话得说回来,我得想着点我的那位,她可是怠慢不得。 She is a Fairfax, or wed to one, and blood is said to be thicker than water. 她是费尔法克斯家族的,或是嫁给了家族中的一位。据说血浓于水。 He rang, and despatched an invitation to Mrs. Fairfax, who soon arrived, knitting-basket in hand. 他打铃派人去请费尔法克斯太太,很快她就到了,手里提着编织篮。 经典名著 简爱 Good evening, madam; I sent to you for a charitable purpose. 晚上好,夫人,我请你来做件好事。 I have forbidden Adele to talk to me about her presents, and she is bursting with repletion. 我己不允许阿黛勒跟我谈礼品的事,她肚子里有好多话要说。 Have the goodness to serve her as auditress and interlocutrice. 你做做好事听她讲讲,并跟她谈谈。 It will be one of the most benevolent acts you ever performed. 那你就功德无量了。 Adele, indeed, no sooner saw Mrs. Fairfax, than she summoned her to her sofa, 说真的,阿黛勒一见到费尔法克斯太太,便把她叫到沙发旁, and there quickly filled her lap with the porcelain, the ivory, the waxen contents of her "boite;" 很快在她的膝头摆满了她'boite'中的瓷器、象牙和蜡制品, pouring out, meantime, explanations and raptures in such broken English as she was mistress of. 同时用她所能掌握的瞥脚英语,不住地加以解释,告诉她自己有多开心。 "Now I have performed the part of a good host," pursued Mr. Rochester, "哈,我已扮演了一个好主人的角色,"罗切斯特先生继续说, "put my guests into the way of amusing each other, I ought to be at liberty to attend to my own pleasure. "使我的客人们各得其所,彼此都有乐趣。我应当有权关心一下自己的乐趣了。 Miss Eyre, draw your chair still a little farther forward. 爱小姐,把你的椅子再往前拉一点。 You are yet too far back. 你坐得太靠后了。 I cannot see you without disturbing my position in this comfortable chair, which I have no mind to do. 我在这把舒舒服服的椅子上,不改变一下位置就看不见你,而我又不想动。 I did as I was bid, though I would much rather have remained somewhat in the shade. 我照他的吩咐做了,尽管我宁愿仍旧呆在阴影里。 But Mr. Rochester had such a direct way of giving orders, it seemed a matter of course to obey him promptly. 但罗切斯特先生却是那么直来直去地下命令,似乎立刻服从他是理所当然的。 来源:可可英语