

2018-07-27    02'48''

主播: 🦋CC Jelly~

252 1

UNFATHOMABLE Sea ! whose waves are years , Ocean of Time ,whose waters of deep woe Are brackish with the salt of human tears ! Thou shoreless flood ,which in thy edd and flow Claspest the limits of mortality , And sick of prey ,yet howling on for more, Vomitest thy wrecks on its inhospitable shore; Treacherous in calm ,and terrible in storm, Who shall put forth on thee, Unfathomable Sea? 深不可测的海啊!岁月是你的波浪, 时间的大洋,充满深沉的辛酸, 人类眼泪的盐分已使得你咸涩难尝! 你浩渺苍茫的海水啊无边无沿, 起伏涨落的潮汐握着人生的极限, 虽已腻于捕猎,却仍呼号求索无餍。 不断把沉船的残骸喷吐在它荒凉的岸上, 平静时胸怀叵测,风暴中恐怖猖狂。 啊,深不可测的海洋, 谁该在你的水面出航? 1821年 雪莱