Jenny简妮生活实用英语口语 买衣服(03)

Jenny简妮生活实用英语口语 买衣服(03)

2017-04-22    03'56''

主播: JENNY小简妮

127 6

节目原文: 1.I’d like to try this on. 我想试试这件。 拓展: Can I try it on?我能试一试吗? Where is the fitting room?试衣间在哪? 2. Do you have this in wool? 这种衣服有毛料的吗? What kind of material is this made from? 这件衣服是什么料子的? 3.This is the right size. 这件尺寸正合适 同义句: It’s just the size for me. It fits me well. 很合身 感谢收听