
《外刊精读》 皮克斯为“心灵奇旅”和存在主义思想赋予生命

2021-01-08    23'04''

主播: Pei你慢成长

113 1

近日上映的皮克斯动画电影《心灵奇旅》(Soul)口碑爆棚。电影通过高超的制作水准,不仅温柔地抚慰了人心,更启发了观众思考人生的意义。这部电影是如何创作出来的?一起来听今天的讲解。(内无剧透,请放心食用)   英文原文  How Pixar Brings ‘Soul’ and Existential Ideas to Life  皮克斯如何为“心灵奇旅”和存在主义思想赋予了生命  By John Jurgensen  How does Pixar distill big existential concepts into animated family movies? The studio is taking a run at the metaphysical with “Soul.”  皮克斯会如何将宏大的存在主义概念提炼出来,浓缩到一部老少皆宜的动画电影里?新作《心灵奇旅》就是这家动画工作室为了诠释“形而上学”而作出的尝试。  In the movie, Joe is a middle-aged jazz musician on the verge of his big break. A very cartoony accident—Joe stepping into an open manhole—triggers a near-death journey through a realm where souls exit and enter existence. Joe’s attempt to escape the afterlife leads to a caper with a soul avoiding Earth, and lots of colorful speculation about life’s purpose and how personalities get formed.  在电影中,乔是一位中年爵士乐手,即将迎来人生重大机遇。像动画片一贯的事故场景一样,乔踏入一个打开的井盖,掉进了下水道,由此开启了一段与死亡亲密接触的旅程,他穿越到了另一个世界,灵魂们可以通过这里转世到人间。乔试图逃离这个世界,并因此结识了一个不愿转世的灵魂,由此引发了一场闹剧,也引发了他们对人生意义以及不同性格如何形成等问题的有趣猜测。  The filmmakers did research on such matters with priests, rabbis and other advisers, but most of their work was more straightforward. How do you draw a soul? Should the afterlife beckon with a bright light, as reported, or be rendered in a different way?  电影制片团队的确曾与神父、拉比以及其他顾问们就这些主题进行过研究,但他们的大部分工作与电影制作有更加直接的联系,例如:如何画出灵魂的样子?另一个世界是不是应该像报道里说的那样,会用一束明亮的白光来召唤灵魂,抑或是另一番景象?  The Pixar team learned that many traditions regard the human soul as invisible, like breath. Not easy to draw. Artists initially drew souls as foggy, fuzzy, see-through figures, but their expressions and gestures were hard to read. So they added more definition and other details for the souls preparing for life on Earth, including purple eyes, because that color doesn’t naturally exist in humans.  皮克斯团队发现,在多数传统意象中,人类的灵魂就像呼吸一样,是无影无形的,要描绘出来很困难。最初,艺术家画笔下的灵魂是如迷雾一般,模糊又透明,这些灵魂的表情和手势很难读懂。于是他们把准备好要转世到人间的灵魂画得更清晰,添加了其他细节,例如紫色的眼睛,因为这种颜色在人类身上并不存在。  “In the end we went full circle. They sort of are ghosts. They’re just ghosts who haven’t lived yet,” says director and writer Pete Docter, chief creative officer of Pixar Animation Studios.  皮克斯动画工作室首席创意总监兼导演皮特·多克特说:“电影的最后,我们回到了原点。他们有点像鬼魂,只不过还没在人世间活过的鬼魂。”