

2016-07-05    07'32''

主播: Lydia徐

122 1

试题检测 一、单项选择 (   )1.Your bag is smaller than______. A.his            B.his's                  C.him            D.their (   )2.Lucy is______of the two.   A.quiet           B.quietest               C.quieter         D.the quieter (  )3.Thank you ______ me about this. It's very kind______you.     A. to telling;for    B. for tell;of            C. for telling;of      D. to tell; for (   )4.Li Lei's parents ______ doctors. A. are all          B. are both             C. all are          D. both are (   )5.Every day his parents make him ______ on the farm. A.to work          B. working           C.work             D. works   二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Sue is______ (quiet)than Ann. 2.My brother is very______ (tall). 3.I have______ (many)books than you. 4.The story is______ (interesting)than that one. 5. Do you know any famous Chinese ______          (saying)?