

2016-07-09    05'31''

主播: Lydia徐

101 1

拔高练习 单选选择 (   )1. What _________exciting news! We are all very excited about it.    A. a       B. an       C. the       D. / (   )2. If you plan ________a movie, choose Mulan.    A. watch    B. to watch  C. watching  D. watched (   )3. We hope ________good grades.    A. get      B. to get     C. getting   D. got (   )4. I hope that you ________a nice weekend.    A. have    B. to have    C. having    D. had (   )5. Can you ________when the train will arrive?    A. look    B. look at     C. find      D. find out (  )6. Hi, Jean! You look unhappy. ____________?   A. What did you happen   B. What you happened  C. What happened to you  D. Did you happen what (   )7. I didn’t expect ________anything enjoyable at all. A. saw    B. see    C. seeing    D. to see (   )8. Walt Disney was famous _______his cartoons.   A. like    B. as    C. at           D. for (   )9. I don’t mind _________soap operas.   A. watch              B. to watch    C. watching           D. watched (   )10. We waited an hour for Jack, but he didn’t ________.   A. appear    B. get    C. arrived    D. come in