

2016-07-09    05'28''

主播: Lydia徐

104 2

拔高练习 (   )1. Who is the _________ student in the class? A. more talented    B. most talented   C. most smart          D. most lazy (   )2. Thank you for ________ me the way.    A. telling    B. tell    C. talking    D. giving (   )3. It’s up to you __________ where to go.   A. decide       B. about deciding     C. to decide     D. about (   )4. The piece of music is ________ louder than that one. A. little    B. a little     C. few     D. a few (   )5. _______ milk is ________ for health than before.   A. To drink, good    B. Drinking, well  C. Drinking, better   D. Drinking, best (   )6. ---_______ do you think is the ________ in your factory?    ---Jim is. A. What, most creative       B. Who, more creative  C. Which, creative           D. Who, most creative (   )7. I would like to be ______ actor, because it is ______. A. a, interesting    B. an, interesting    C. a, interested     D. an, interested (   )8. Guilin is one of the ________ places in China.   A. most beautiful   B. more beautiful   C. best beautiful    D. much beautiful (   )9. --________ is Danny’s home from Funky Fashions?  --Half an hour by bike. A. How long         B. How soon      C. How far          D. How often (   )10. Who do you think are _______ to learn math, boys or girls? A. the quick           B. more quicker     C. quicker            D. the quickest