51 赌场;
slot machine;老虎机; roulette; 轮盘;dice; 骰子;bingo; 宾果; security camera;监视摄影机; closed circuit television; 闭路电视;casino manager; 赌场经理;dealer;发牌员; host; 接待人员;banker; 庄家;gambler; 玩家,赌徒; gambling table;赌桌; poker; 扑克牌;casino cheater; 老千;token;筹码; taoken exchange; 筹码兑换处;blackjack; 二十一点; wheel of fortune; 幸运轮;show hand; 梭哈;card shark; 纸牌老千;
wise adj;聪明的; get addicted; 上瘾;gambling n; 赌博;never adv;从不; quit v;停止; good adj;好的; front adj;前面的; goddess n ;女神; fortune n; 幸运; beat v; 打败;
1) It is not wise to get addicted to gambling. A gambler never knows when to quit.
2) On the gambling table, they are not as good as the casino cheater; in front of the slot machine or wheel of fortune, they don’t always have the goddess of fortune by their side.
3) And they can never beat the casino manager. So why gamble? 何况他们也赢不了赌场经理,那有什么好赌的呢?
52 宴会厅里:
核心词汇:orchestra; 乐队;singer; 歌手; dress; 礼服; tuxedo; 燕尾服;champagne; 香槟;goblet; 高脚杯;waiter; 侍者;chandelier;吊灯; host; 男主人;hostess;女主人; spotlight;聚光灯;stage; 舞台;guest;宾客; punchbowl; 调酒缸;cocktail; 鸡尾酒;food;餐点; ball; 宴会;dance pool; 舞池;flower basket; 花篮;
短文补充词汇:drunk adj; 喝醉的;night n; 夜晚;start v ;开始; flirt v ;挑逗; female; adj;女性的; dance v ;跳舞; furious adj; 愤怒的;grab v; 抓住;throw v; 丢;face n ; 脸;
1)The host got pretty drunk at the ball that night. He drank too much cocktails and started flirting with female guests. 男主人在那天的宴会上喝得太醉了,在喝了很多杯鸡尾酒后,他开始跟女宾客打情骂俏。
2) When the hostess saw him dancing with a dancer in the dance pool. 当女主人看到他在舞池跟一个舞者跳舞时,
3) She was so furious that she asked the orchestra to stop playing and grabbed a flower basket and threw it into his face. 她气得叫乐队停止演奏,抓起一个花篮往她脸上丢。