1. 对话:牛肉面和水饺
Sandy:We had a pot-luck party last weekend, and it was great. So many people praised my cooking! I was as pleased as punch to get so many compliments. 我们上周末举办了个派对,每个来参加的人都要准备一道菜,实在太棒了。好多人称赞了我的厨艺。听到他们的称赞,我好高兴!
Jenny:Nice! What did you bring? 好棒!那你带的是什么?
Sandy: I made beef noodles and some dumplings.我了牛肉面和水饺。
Jenny: Mmm! My mouth is watering just thinking about them.哇,一想到它们我就口水直流。
Sandy: A homesick Taiwanese boy totally started sobbing when he tried my beef noodles.有一个思乡心切的中国台湾男孩吃到我的牛肉面时甚至还哭了。
Jenny: Maybe there was too much chili in there——just kidding. That’s quite a culinary accomplishment! 可能是你加了太多辣椒了——开玩笑啦。真是一个厨艺上的大成就啊!)
2. 沙拉和酱料:
Caesar’s salad 凯撒沙拉; potato salad土豆沙拉 ; Greek salad希腊沙拉 ; egg salad蛋沙拉 ; garden salad 田园沙拉; tuna salad金枪鱼沙拉 ; fruit salad水果沙拉 ; Thousand Island dressing 千岛酱; ranch dressing 牧场沙拉酱; oil and vinegar 油醋酱;
3. 沙拉中常见到的蔬菜水果:
lettuce 莴苣; carrot胡萝卜 ; cucumber 黄瓜; celery 芹菜; olive 橄榄; tomato西红柿 ; watermelon西瓜; pineapple菠萝 ; orange橙子 ; honeydew哈密瓜; apple苹果 ; grapefruit葡萄柚;
pie派 ; biscuit饼干,小甜面包 ; handmade cookie 手工饼干; donut甜甜圈; tiramisu 提拉米苏; cheesecake 奶酪蛋糕; brownie布朗尼(巧克力蛋糕) ; pudding布丁; yogurt (yoghurt) 酸奶,优酪乳 ; potato chips土豆片; pretzel 椒盐脆饼; nut坚果 ; popcorn爆米花;