

2015-11-08    11'50''

主播: yoga_yj

242 84

听Yoga讲故事学自然拼音 Lesson 13— I was born in the Year of the Horse 我属马 or… horse [h ɔː s] 马 1)读一读: born 出生; morning 早上; forty 四十; 2)背一背: 个子short(矮个的), 喜欢sport(运动),跑到airport(机场);拿着fork(叉子), 吃着pork(猪肉); 3)听一听: ——What animal year were you born in? 你属什么的? ——I was born in the Year of the Horse. What about you? 我属马的,你呢? 注: animal year 生肖,即Chinese Zodiac; I was born in … 我出生于…… ——What do you do on Sunday mornings? 你周日早上做些什么? ——I play outdoor sports.我做户外运动。 注:play outdoor sports 做户外运动. 在上午为: in the morning, 但表示某一天上午用:on,on Sunday mornings. 4)讲故事:A Bad School Report 差差的成绩单 Ford was born in the year of the horse. 福特属马。He is a third-grade student. 是三年级学生。He likes playing sports, but doesn’t like his lessons. 他喜欢运动,却不喜欢学习。His father is forty years old and has a short temper.他的爸爸四十岁,是个急性子。 One day, Ford gets his school report, and it is not a good one.一天,福特拿到成绩单,成绩不太好。Ford knows what will happen if his father sees the report,福特知道,要是爸爸看到成绩单的话会是什么结果,but he has to ask his father to sign it. 但是他必须让爸爸签字。 At last, he has a good idea.最后他想到了一个好办法。 In the evening, Ford turns off the light.到了晚上,福特把灯关了, The room is very dark. 房间里很黑,Then he gives his father the school report, 他把成绩单拿给爸爸,and says, “Can you sign it in the dark, dad?”并且说:爸爸,你能在黑暗中签字吗?His father says proudly, 他爸爸骄傲地说:“Of course I can.” “当然可以啊”Ford gets what he wants. 福特得到了他想要的东西。