Morning Cheese English 115 20190625
Good morning, everyone! It's time for Morning Cheese English.
今天的茄子早安英语和您分享的是to play your cards right,字面的意思是扑克牌打的好,实际的意思是办事处理得当,从而取得成功。人们经常会用这个短语来支持他人作出决定,比如说 if you play your cards right, 然后好事就会来了。
Grace is encouraging her girl friend, if you play your cards right, he might ask you to marry him!小雅正在鼓励她的闺蜜,如果你手法高明的话,他一定会向你求婚的!
Julian says to himself, if I play my cards right, I could become the new manager some day.赵彦心想,如果我办事得力,有朝一日也能当上领导!