Morning Cheese English 116 20190626

Morning Cheese English 116 20190626

2019-06-26    01'39''

主播: Jeffree🐰杰福瑞刘老师

332 1

Morning Cheese English 116 20190626 Good morning, everyone! It's time for Morning Cheese English. 今天的茄子早安英语和您分享的是室外桃园的英语表达,常用的有两种:Shangri-La和Utopia,也就是香格里拉和乌托邦。香格里拉位于我国云南省迪庆藏族自治州,是藏语“心中的日月”的意思;乌托邦是空想社会主义创始人托马斯·莫尔书中描述的理想国。 例句: A book to read, a man to love and a son and a daughter will make Grace in Shangri-La. 一本书,一位爱人,一双儿女就是小雅的世外桃源。 Julian has always had a dream to live in Utopia, where there is no work but great food and best friends. 赵彦一直有一个住在世外桃源的梦想,那里没有工作烦扰,只有美食和好友相伴。