

2014-12-27    02'10''

主播: A Box Of Cats

747 59

In happy time, Iago. IAGO. You have not been abed, then? CASSIO. Why, no; the day had broke Before we parted. I have made bold, Iago, To send in to your wife. My suit to her Is that she will to virtuous Desdemona Procure me some access. IAGO. I'll send her to you presently; And I'll devise a mean to draw the Moor Out of the way, that your converse and business May be more free. CASSIO. I humbly thank you for't. [Exit Iago.] I never knew A Florentine more kind and honest. Enter Emilia. EMILIA. Good morrow, good lieutenant. I am sorry For your displeasure, but all will sure be well. The general and his wife are talking of it, And she speaks for you stoutly. The Moor replies That he you hurt is of great fame in Cyprus And great affinity and that in wholesome wisdom He might not but refuse you; but he protests he loves you And needs no other suitor but his likings To take the safest occasion by the front To bring you in again. CASSIO. Yet, I beseech you, If you think fit, or that it may be done, Give me advantage of some brief discourse With Desdemona alone. EMILIA. Pray you, come in. I will bestow you where you shall have time To speak your bosom freely. CASSIO. I am much bound to you. DESDEMONA. Be thou assured, good Cassio, I will do All my abilities in thy behalf. EMILIA. Good madam, do. I warrant it grieves my husband As if the cause were his. DESDEMONA. O, that's an honest fellow. Do not doubt, Cassio, But I will have my lord and you again As friendly as you were. CASSIO. Bounteous madam, Whatever shall become of Michael Cassio, He's never anything but your true servant. DESDEMONA. I know't: I thank you. You do love my lord: You have known him long; and be you well assured He shall in strangeness stand no farther off Than in a politic distance. CASSIO. Ay, but, lady, That policy may either last so long, Or feed upon such nice and waterish diet, Or breed itself so out of circumstances, That I being absent and my place supplied, My general will forget my love and service. DESDEMONA. Do not doubt that. Before Emilia here I give thee warrant of thy place, assure thee, If I do vow a friendship, I'll perform it To the last article. My lord shall never rest; I'll watch him tame and talk him out of patience; His bed shall seem a school, his board a shrift; I'll intermingle everything he does With Cassio's suit. Therefore be merry, Cassio, For thy solicitor shall rather die Than give thy cause away. Enter Othello and Iago, at a distance. EMILIA. Madam, here comes my lord. CASSIO. Madam, I'll take my leave. DESDEMONA. Nay, stay and hear me speak. CASSIO. Madam, not now. I am very ill at ease, Unfit for mine own purposes.