associate association vice vicious service service charge self-service serve servant wise wisdom otherwise attach attachment ordinary extraordinary relate relation relationship relative relatively relativity relativity theory relevant irrelevant relevance connect connection link junction conjunction text textbook term terminal determine determination determined club lounge hall dining hall dine cafe coffee cafeteria buffet restaurant hotel inn audience spectator seminar sympathy sympathetic sympathize symphony symbol symbolize geometry arithmetic symptom pretend tend tender attend attention pay attention to tendency tent content extent to some extent/degree extend extensive tentative intention potential tension tense intense intensive intensity intensify tennis lecture dialect collect collection collective collectivism collectivist recollect elect election elective select selection selective ignore ignorant ignorance overlook negotiate negotiation opt option optional optimism optimistic pessimism pessimistic enthusiasm enthusiastic passion passionate mercy merciful straight straightness frank straightforward panic pale bitter bitterly misery doubt doubtful undoubtedly suspicious suspicion skeptical special specially specialist specialty specific especially species project projection object objection objective subject subjective jet reject rejection limit limited limitation submit submission omit missile commit imitate imitation imitative transmit mission commitment make a commitment a sense of commitment committee IOC=International Olympic Commitment commission devote devoted devotion loyal loyalist loyalty loyalties dictate dictation contradict contradiction contradictory contrary on the contrary contrast controversy debate controversial addict addiction addicted abandon absorb absorbed tub bathtub tube dip drop teardrop eyedrop dam condemn afraid frame fragile frequent frequency frequently fridge fragrance fragrant fright frighten friction friend friendly friendship