

2014-07-24    03'25''

主播: 轻松调频 MEDIA SCAN

1237 102

英国每日电讯的一篇报道题为"迪斯尼和偶像剧误导女性爱情观".澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学一项研究发现,迪士尼公主系列电影和"暮光之城"等偶像剧向女性观众传递错误信息,误以为只要自己努力,就可以修补恋情. A report by the Daily Telegraph titles "Did Disney cause our failed romances?" That pretty princess at the heart of your favourite Disney movie could be hazardous to your love-life. A Queensland University of Technology study has revealed "Disney complexes" could be the reason why women don't leave bad or abusive relationships. 研究者警告称,现代女性沉迷于理想的浪漫爱情观中,认为只要自己足够温柔和善良,就能够改变伴侣.