

2025-01-13    06'14''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

271 1

【句子】Oh, well, that announcement was a bit premature.【Desperate Housewives S2E8】 【发音】/əʊ//wel//ðæt/ /əˈnaʊn.smənt/ /wɒz/ /wɑːz/ /ə/ /bɪt/ /ˌpriːm.əˈtʃʊər/ 【发音技巧】that announcement连读+闪音;was a连读;bit premature失去爆破; 【翻译】喔!那份通告出得早了点。 【适用场合】 今天我们来学习一下这个词:premature的用法。 在英文中mature有“成熟的”这样的意思,而pre-这样的前缀,表示“在……前面”; 所以premature可以理解成:“未成熟的;早熟的;过早的”; happening before the normal or expected time; 比如说: eg: a premature baby 一个早产儿 eg: The baby was four weeks premature. 这个婴儿早产了四个周。 eg: We were shocked by his premature death at the age of 37. 他37岁就英年早逝了,我们颇为震惊。 eg: Because of injury, her playing career came to a premature end in 1998. 因为受伤,她的演艺事业在1998年就提前结束了。 eg: I suppose this is a premature conclusion. 我觉得这个结论下得为时过早。 eg: It is premature to talk about success at this stage. 现阶段谈论成功还为时过早。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 It's a little premature to talk about concluding a deal.