

2020-08-04    05'37''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

3038 18

【句子】I try to steer clear of Utah. It’s a little too conservative for me. 【Desperate Housewives-S1E16】 【发音】[aɪ] [traɪ] [tʊ] [stɪə(r)] [klɪə(r)] [əv] [ˈju:tɑ:] [ɪts] [ə] [ˈlɪtl] [tu:] [kənˈsɜ:(r).və.tɪv] [fɔ:(r)] [mi:] 【发音技巧】it’s a连读;little美音浊化; 【翻译】我尽量远离犹他州,那地方对我来说太保守了。 【适用场合】 steer clear of 这个表达其实我们已经不是第一次在节目中见到啦,那么今天的话来做一个复习梳理吧。 steer 本身指的是掌舵的意思 to control the direction of a vehicle steer clear of sb./sth. 刻意避免某人/某物 If you steer clear of somebody or something, you deliberately avoid them. eg: I think a lot of people, women in particular, steer clear of these sensitive issues. 我觉得很多人,尤其是女性吧,都会刻意回避这些敏感的话题。 eg: Steer clear of the boss today—he's yelling at everyone he sees. 你(们)今天躲着点老板,他见谁吼谁。 eg: The 8:00 train is always late, so steer clear of it if you want to be on time. 8点钟那趟火车总是晚点,所以如果你想准时到,别坐那一趟。 eg: They warned their children to steer clear of drugs. 他们警告孩子们要远离毒品。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 她的演讲当中,避开了那些争议性很强的话题。