Chineasy founder ShaoLan Hsueh is on a mission to break down the language barrier surrounding Chinese any way she can.
2014年,她着手编写的汉语教学书《Chineasy:The New Way to Read Chinese》在美国出版。书中用巧妙有趣的插图生动形象地展示了汉语近400个基本字义的意思(由她在伦敦带领的团队设计)。
She started with the book Chineasy: The New Way to Read Chinese, released in the US in 2014, which basically teaches the meaning of about 400 essential characters by encasing them in clever and often amusing illustrations (created by a team of artists at her headquarters in London).
From there she dissects each one and reassembles it, demonstrating how the Chinese language is put together. Hao, the word for good, for instance, is a combination of the character for woman and boy, suggesting motherhood is a good thing. The term for eating is an open space representing a mouth and next to it the squiggle for begging.
ShaoLan is convinced that Chinese is a lot easier than most people think and her goal is to get beginners a basic knowledge of 1,000 or so characters quickly. She points out that the government in China requires that people should be able to read newspapers with just 1,500 characters, while university students need a few thousand.
She’s shooting for something in between and hoping the “network effect” will guide students from there. “Knowing one or two [characters] you can create three or four; knowing tens you can make hundreds; knowing 50 or 70 you can create thousands,” she said.
薛晓岚(Facebook的粉丝多达40万人)一直与世界各地的教育家和学生分享她的方法,并收集反馈和建议。她最新开发了一款名为Chineasy Tiles:Play to Learn Chinese的桌游。
She has been sharing her approach with educators and students the world over for years (to the tune of 400,000 followers on facebook), garnering feedback and suggestions and her latest tool is a board game called Chineasy Tiles: Play to Learn Chinese.
Chineasy Tiles里共有48张“基础字”卡片:雨,木,好,不,狗,白等等,其中一面是插图和英文单词,另一面是汉字释义和拼音。
Conceived after extensive testing of hundreds of groups of non-Chinese speakers by teams in London, at MIT and other classrooms around the world, the game uses 48 “essential character” tiles: rain, woods, good, not/no, dog, white, and so on, with their give-away illustration and English word on one side and the plain character with pin yin term on the back.
薛晓岚在YouTube视频教程中展示了“碎片式”的汉字是如何组建出简单的词组。“吃”和“大”组在一起表示“大吃(eat like a pig)”;“小”和“吃”组成“小吃(snake)”,也叫路边摊;“牛”遇到“水”就有了“水牛(buffalo)”。
In a youtube demonstration, ShaoLan demonstrates how easily rudimentary sentences can come together using the tiles as building blocks. Eat plus big means “eat like a pig”. Small plus eat means snack, or street food. Cow plus water means buffalo.
No plus eat plus cow plus meat… you get the idea. But the brilliance of the Chineasy approach is that it emphasizes the pluses of the language for an outsider: there is no grammar, no tense, no “he or she” gender and no hard-and-fast ordering of words in a sentence.
Chineasy Tiles玩具盒中共有两副卡片和一张游戏板,其中一副是48张必识字卡,还有一袋小卡片。五行五列的游戏板则是用来玩Chineasy Bingo游戏。薛晓岚说现在全世界有1500名教师在研究这套卡片的新玩法。
The game set comes with a set of large tiles and a game board and a sack of smaller tiles with five-by-five racks for playing a version of Chineasy Bingo. ShaoLan said that 1,500 teachers worldwide are coming up with new games and ways to use the pieces.
ShaoLan said she is flattered that some people have been calling Chineseasy “the alphabet of Chinese.”
“But we’re not there yet,” she said. “We don’t cover all 200,000 characters, just aim for a very basic literacy by knowing a few thousand quickly.