禁止比伯来华演出为中国立场点赞 Kudos for China's stand on Bieber

禁止比伯来华演出为中国立场点赞 Kudos for China's stand on Bieber

2017-08-10    03'33''

主播: FM1028192

289 11

加拿大勋章是加拿大授予平民的最高非军事荣誉勋章,该勋章的官方条例规定,非加拿大公民也有资格成为“为全人类做贡献”的名誉会员。 The Order of Canada is the highest non-military honor my country can bestow on its citizens, and the Order’s official constitution stipulates that non-Canadians are also eligible for honorary membership “for contributions to humanity at large.” 基于这个标准,北京市文化局的工作人员应该出现在加拿大勋章的提名名单中。近日,北京市文化局表示因贾斯汀•比伯的不良行为,禁止年轻摇滚歌手贾斯汀•比伯来华开演唱会。 Based on that criterion, nomination should immediately be extended to the person or persons at the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture who recently decreed that bubblegum crooner and punk poseur Justin Bieber will not be welcome in China until he cleans up his act. 7月22日,“世界最知名的加拿大人”(这肯定是假的——最知名的加拿大人是威廉•夏特纳)贾斯汀•比伯取消了他的全球巡演,此前,《纽约时报》登出北京市文化局对贾斯汀•比伯粉丝的质疑和抱怨予以的回应:贾斯汀•比伯是一个有歌唱才华但也是一个有争议的年轻外籍歌手。据了解,他在境外个人活动以及演出活动中曾有一系列不良行为引发公众不满。为规范中国的演出市场秩序,净化演出市场环境,因此不宜引进有不良行为的演艺人员。希望贾斯汀•比伯在成长过程中不断完善自己的言行,真正成为受公众喜爱的歌手。 On July 22, days before "the world's most famous Canadian" (that's totally bogus – we all know it's William Shatner) canceled his world tour, the New York Times quoted this response by the BMBC to a young fan's complaint that China was not one of the stops: "Justin Bieber is a gifted singer but he is also a controversial foreign idol. We understand there are records of his bad behavior, whether in his private life abroad or on stage. His inappropriate manner has caused public discontent. In order to regulate the market order of show business in China and purify the market environment, it has been decided that performers of inappropriate behavior will not be welcomed. We hope that as Justin Bieber matures, he can continue to improve his own words and actions, and truly become a singer beloved by the public.” 或许,这才是真正诠释了加拿大勋章“为全人类做贡献”的标准吧。 Perhaps never before has the Order of Canada's stipulation for "contributions to humanity at large"been more aptly demonstrated. 这里有几个例子是关于贾斯汀•比伯的不良行为: Here are a few examples of JB's puerile indiscretions: 2013年初,贾斯汀•比伯参观位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹的安妮•弗兰克博物馆,安妮•弗兰克是二战犹太人大屠杀的受害者之一,遇害时年仅15岁。贾斯汀•比伯在博物馆纪念册上留言,希望安妮成为他的粉丝。“能来到这里真让人激动,”他写道,“安妮是个伟大的女孩,她要是个‘比伯粉’就好了。” - In early 2013 he visited the Anne Frank museum in Amsterdam and wrote in the guest book that he hoped the Holocaust victim, who was 15 when she perished in a Nazi concentration camp, would have been a fan. "Truly inspiring to be able to come here," Bieber wrote. "Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.” 2013年年底,他在布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)的演唱会上对阿根廷国旗不敬(一事)引起众怒。他事后道歉时声称当时以为那是自己的衬衫。在巴西,他被指控在里约酒店的墙壁上涂鸦乱画。“这其实是一种犯罪行为,”里约当地警察局长安东尼奥•理查德(Antonio Ricardo)在接受美联社采访时称,“即便是名人也应该知道,必须遵守我们国家的法律。” - Later that year he apologized for disrespecting the national flag of Argentina onstage in Buenos Aires, claiming he thought it was his shirt. In Brazil, he was charged with painting graffiti on the walls of his Rio hotel. "It's a crime," police chief Antonio Ricardo told Associated Press. "Even celebrities need to know that in our country laws are to be obeyed." 2014年4月23日,贾斯汀•比伯因晒出在日本东京的“靖国神社”的自拍照公开道歉。在中国和韩国,“靖国神社”是日本侵略罪行的象征。“我看到了一个美丽的神殿,便让我的司机靠边停车。”贾斯汀•比伯在其Instagram账户上道歉解释称,“如果对任何人有冒犯,我深表道歉。我爱你中国,我爱你日本。” - In April 2014, Bieber apologized for snapping a selfie in front of the infamous Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo, which offended Chinese and South Koreans who view the shrine as a symbol of Japanese wartime aggression. "I asked my driver to pull over when I saw a beautiful shrine," Bieber wrote on Instagram. "I was misled to think shrines were only places of prayer. To anyone I have offended, I am extremely sorry. I love you China and I love you Japan." 2016年1月,他在墨西哥旅游时因企图攀爬建筑遗址(禁区)并对当地管理人员极不尊重,被赶出玛雅文化遗址。 - In January 2016, Bieber was kicked out of a Mayan archaeological site in Mexico for climbing on restricted ruins and displaying a lack of respect for the workers. 可悲的是,贾斯汀•比伯一错再错。更让加拿大人困惑的是,这个“小傻瓜”仍受世界上成千上万名“脑残粉”追捧。 Sadly, it goes on and on. Sadder still, to the embarrassment of Canadians everywhere, the twerp remains an idol to millions of clueless teenyboppers the world over. 真想不到啊。 Go figure. Contact the writer at: murraygreig@chinadaily.com.cn 译者:谢秋睿