2019, 6月27日 苦而不言,喜而不语

2019, 6月27日 苦而不言,喜而不语

2019-06-27    17'25''

主播: 吸引力法则/趙智光

6723 60

早上好,早晨, Good morning, 今日第一励语: 每个人都有天赋。缺乏的是跟随天赋的引导走入黑暗的勇气。 今日第二励语: Maybe you can afford to wait. Maybe for you there's a tomorrow. Maybe for you there's one thousand tomorrows, or three thousand, or ten, so much time you can bathe in it, roll around it, let it slide like coins through you fingers. So much time you can waste it. But for some of us there's only today. And the truth is, you never really know.