

2017-02-18    01'39''

主播: 卡卡课堂

96 9

Time Management Hacks I Wish I’d Known Before My 20s 多想在我20岁之前就知道的时间管理技巧 1. Use a calendar app or calendar notebook every day 每天使用日历APP,或者日历笔记本 2. Use a task management tool 使用任务管理工具 3. Respect your need for sleep by getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep each day 尊重你每天睡7-9小时候的生理需求 4. Do a weekly review of the past 7 days 做每周回顾 5. Plan to achieve four hours of real work per day 计划每天完成四小时的工作 6. Focus on a single task at a time 一次只专注完成一项任务 7. Separate strategic and “brain dead” tasks 将战略性任务和低效率任务分开 8. Accomplish large projects by breaking them down into smaller tasks 将大任务划分成小任务来完成 9. Set a maximum of three priority tasks per day 每天最大限度完成三项最重要的任务 10. Learn to delegate tasks effectively at work 在工作学会有效的分派任务 11. Delegate household tasks as soon as you can afford it 只要你能负担的起,可以将家庭事务委托他人 12. Review the past to become better, not assign blame 回顾过去是为了(让自己)变得更好,而不是怪罪(自己) 13. Set deadlines for every task 给每日计划设定完成期限 14. Schedule travel time on your calendar 在你的日历上设定旅行时间 15. Put personal rest and relaxation on your calendar 把你个人的休息和放松时间放在日历上 16. Take breaks during the work day 工作日也要适当休息 17. Learn to say no effectively 有效的说不 18. Use your values to make decisions about your time 用你的价值观对你的时间做出决定 想知道卡卡老师的发音秘诀?关注微信公众号卡卡课堂,添加教助小布微信 Kaka_Bruce获取更多免费课程