

2020-03-31    03'01''

主播: 卡卡课堂

2310 18

说出来笑死你!老外爱屯纸竟是这个原因!! 抗击疫情,封城宅家。这些操作让我们不得不准备好在家的必须用品。口罩,酒精,方便面,还有粮食等,都在我们外出扫货的必备清单上。不过自从外国疫情开始,到现在的大规模爆发,老外们最爱屯的竟然是手纸! 这种蜜汁操作让我们确实不太能理解。 为什么老外在疫情期间爱屯纸?今天我们就来扒一扒这些深层的原因。 Niki Edwards, School of Public Health and Social Work, Queensland University of Technology: Niki Edwards,昆士兰理工大学,公共卫生与社会工作学院: When people hear about the coronavirus, they are afraid of losing control. And toilet paper feels like a way to maintain control over hygiene and cleanliness. 当人们听说冠状病毒,他们害怕失控。而且厕纸感觉是一种保持卫生和清洁的方式。 Brian Cook, Community Engagement for Disaster Risk Reduction project, University of Melbourne: Brian Cook,墨尔本大学,社区参与和减少灾害风险项目: A lot of people likely also use toilet paper as a tissue, and therefore imagine themselves needing a lot if they have the flu or a flu-like illness. 很多人可能也把厕纸当纸巾用,因此会想象他们自己如果得了流感,或类似流感的疾病,需要很多纸巾。 David Savage, Newcastle Business School, University of Newcastle: David Savage,纽卡斯尔大学,纽卡斯尔商学院: They’re buying what they need and one of the items is toilet paper. I think we’re noticing the toilet paper more than the other things because toilet paper packs are big items that take up a lot of shelf space. 他们在买他们需要的东西,其中一件是卫生纸。 我想和其他东西相比,我们更加注意到卫生纸是因为卫生纸是个大件物,占了很多货架空间。 Anonymous 匿名网友 People might be confusing the coronavirus with the norovirus-a different virus which causes diarrhea. 人们可能把冠状病毒和诺如病毒混淆,诺如病毒是一种引起腹泻的病毒。