

2021-06-02    03'18''

主播: 卡卡课堂

367 6

最适合孩子的脑筋急转弯 和孩子们做游戏,重在寓教于乐。 今天分享几个非常有趣的英语脑筋急转弯,不仅能开发智力,而且超级有趣。 1.Who does not go to school on Children's Day? 谁在儿童节不上学? All the teachers in the world. They really deserve a break because for them every day is Children's day. 世界上所有的老师。他们真的应该休息一下,因为对他们来说每天都是儿童节。 2.Why didn’t the teddy bear want dessert? 为什么泰迪熊不想要甜点? Because he was so stuffed already! 因为他已经吃得很饱了! Stuffed (填充的,吃饱的) 3.How do you get a squirrel to like you? 怎样才能让松鼠喜欢你呢? Act like a nut! 像个疯子一样! nut(坚果) 4.Which building has the most stories? 哪一栋楼的故事最多? The library! 图书馆! Stories(故事,层数) 5.What has four wheels and flies? 什么东西有四个轮子还会飞? A garbage truck! 一辆垃圾车! Fly (飞,苍蝇) 6.Why is 6 afraid of 7? 为什么6会害怕7? Because 7 ate 9! 因为7吃了9! Ate-eight同音不同意