

2021-06-02    04'13''

主播: 卡卡课堂

271 7

如何用英语夸孩子懂事? 儿童节,和孩子们在一起。如何用英语地道的夸孩子们呢?看看下面的英文的吧! 真的超实用哦! 懂事: Amy is such a grownup 艾米真懂事,像个小大人。 Matt is so thoughtful. 马特真体贴懂事。 Lily is a well-adjusted kid. 莉莉是个稳重的孩子 不怕生 Jimmy is so comfortable around new people. 吉米不怕生。 Little Jerry is always at ease with himself around others. 小杰瑞在生人面前非常自在。 It takes no time for Jay to warm up to new people. 杰是个自来熟。 懂礼貌 Jane is very polite. 简很有礼貌。 Claire has good manners. 克莱尔很有规矩。 Little Erica is so respectful. 小埃丽卡真是彬彬有礼。 招人喜欢 Suzie is a sweet child. 苏西是个可爱的孩子。 Mel is just adorable. 梅这孩子太招人喜欢了。 Billy is absolutely charming. 比利真是人见人爱。