I am系列之《I am a star》

I am系列之《I am a star》

2018-08-10    02'42''

主播: Nicole宝宝☘️🍄

189 0

《I am a star》 I am a star. You can't see me in the daytime. There is too much light. You can't see me on a cloudy night. I hide behind clouds. You can see stars on a clear night. Long ago, people saw pictures in stars. The pictures are called constellations[con-stel-A-shuns]. Some people saw bears. Some people saw dippers. I am the last star in the Little Dipper's handle. Can you find me? I am the North Star. I am also called Polaris. Wait a few months. Look again. All the stars have moved except me ! Can you still see me? I stay in the North. Sailors use me to find their way. The sun is a star. It is the star nearest to you. It gives you heat and light. The moon is not a star. It reflects the light of the sun. To see stars better, you need a telescope. To study of stars is called astronomy[as-TRON-o-mee]. People who study stars are called astronomers. They use BIG telescopes. How many ways can you make a star? Some flags have stars. Do you know a song about a star? When you wish upon a star, what do you wish for? 我是一颗星星 白天的时候,你可看不到我。 因为白天的光线太亮了。 你在布满云朵的夜空中也找不到我的踪迹。 因为,我会躲在云朵后面。 当夜空晴朗,我才会闪出光亮。 很久以前啊,人们从群星中寻找奥秘。 他们把看到的星想成图形,并称其为星座。 有人觉得它们像熊, 有人觉得它们像是个斗。 我是小北斗七星中最远的这颗星, 你找到我了么? 我的名字叫北极星! 过几个月你再来看。 其他的星星都移动了位置,只有我乖乖在原地呆着。 你是不是还能找到我? 我一直呆在北边。 在海上航行的舵手可以靠我来识别方向。 太阳也是一颗星星哦, 而且啊是离小朋友们最近的星星。 它为我们提供了光和热。 月亮是不是也是一颗星星呢?可不是哦。 月亮反射的太阳的光~ 如果想要更清楚地看见星星, 那么你就需要一架望远镜。 研究星星的学科被称为天文学。 研究星星的人呢,就是天文学家。 他们看星星的时候,用的是专业的天文望远镜。 我们有多少办法可以做一颗星星呢? 有些国家的国旗上就有星星的图案。 你会唱关于星星的歌曲么? 当你对着星星许愿的时候, 你会许一个什么愿望呢?