翻电小品・18 惠特曼《草叶集・贰》

翻电小品・18 惠特曼《草叶集・贰》

2019-04-29    06'38''

主播: 翻转电台荔枝不再更新

4315 65

本期由迷鹿提供音频录制和翻译。 我把我平时想反复听一听的东西,自己念一下,所以我们可以一起听一听。 之前以念美文为主,但是我还是想念一些既有文学的享受,又兼顾思想性的作品,所以和之前也有一些调整,来听听看吧。 As I Ponder'd in Silence As I ponder'd in silence, Returning upon my poems, considering, lingering long, A Phantom arose before me with distrustful aspect, Terrible in beauty, age, and power, The genius of poets of old lands, As to me directing like flame its eyes, With finger pointing to many immortal songs, And menacing voice, What singest thou? it said, Know'st thou not there is but one theme for ever-enduring bards? And that is the theme of War, the fortune of battles, The making of perfect soldiers. Be it so, then I answer'd, I too haughty Shade also sing war, and a longer and greater one than any, Waged in my book with varying fortune, with flight, advance and retreat, victory deferr'd and wavering, (Yet me thinks certain, or as good as certain, at the last,) the field the world, For life and death, for the Body and for the eternal Soul, Lo, I too am come, chanting the chant of battles, I above all promote brave soldiers. 我正静静沉思 (译文:迷路之鹿) 我正静静沉思, 回顾曾写下的诗句,反复推敲,一再斟酌 一个古老幽灵突然显现,年高望重,容貌惊人 旧大陆伟大诗人的精神幻化而成 他双目炯炯,满面狐疑 手指指向那些不朽诗篇 他向我发问,振聋发聩 你在歌颂什么?你可知道不朽的诗人只歌颂一个主题 征战沙场,驰骋命运,造就完美战士 本来如此,我回答他 你这傲慢的魅影 我也在歌颂一场战争,前所末有,纵贯千秋 命运在我书中交错, 生与死、灵与肉,这或许是更伟大的战役 逃离、进击、撤退,胜利的曙光忽明忽暗,遥遥无期 (但我几乎能肯定结局)这片战场无处不在, 我也是在谱写战争的颂歌啊 歌唱无数勇敢的战士