【No.40 By Lexie】电视迷,宅男宅女couch potato

【No.40 By Lexie】电视迷,宅男宅女couch potato

2014-07-31    04'45''

主播: 英语口语每天学

12.2万 4560

Today we will be learning a new slang, couch potato. Couch 沙发. Potato, 土豆. 释义 A couch potato is someone who spends most of their time watching television and does not exercise or have any interesting hobbies. 沙发上的土豆是指的那些拿着摇控器,蜷在沙发上什么事都不干,只会在沙发上看电视,或者指将大部分业余时间用来躺在床上睡觉、或者抱着电视机守上十来个小时的人。 来源: Potato is kind of like a symbol of something that is sedentary. Sedentary:S-E-D-E-N-T-A-R-Y久坐的,静坐的。 And if someone sits on the couch for a long period and do nothing but watching the television, he/she might become plump just like the shape of potatoes. 土豆在美国人的眼中是久坐不动的标志。一个人长时间坐在沙发上,就如土豆一样一动不动,时间长了,人就像土豆一样胖胖圆圆的。 举例; 世界杯刚刚结束,如果我的爸爸都是球迷的话,那么我就可以说 My father becomes a couch potato during the World Cup season this year. 当你在质疑你的朋友装了有线电视而沉迷电视而不悔悟时,你可以说 Do you know that you have been becoming a couch potato since we got cable TV?