Vol.427 渣男英文怎么讲?

Vol.427 渣男英文怎么讲?

2019-01-22    06'12''

主播: 英语口语每天学

44929 327

Cheater 渣男 She doesn’t believe a cheater. She said — Once a cheater, always a cheater. 她不相信渣男。她说,一次是渣男,永远是渣男。 Cheat on sb. 对某人不忠 She’s been cheated on for a long time and she doesn’t know that at all! 她被骗了很长时间,而她根本不知道! Two-timer n. 脚踏两条船的人 Two-time v. 脚踏两条船 She ended the relationship when she found out her boyfriend was two-timing her. 当她发现她的男朋友对她不忠时,她结束了那段感情。 Player 渣男 Playboy 花花公子 He is such a player, can&`&t you tell? How many times has he hurt you? 他是个十足的花花公子,难道你看不出来吗?他伤害过你多少次了? Betray v. 背叛 John has promised he would never betray his wife. John已经承诺,他永远不会背叛他的妻子。 今日挑战 翻译句子 写在留言处和大家分享 Anyone caught cheating will be immediately disqualified from the exam. 【翻阅上一期内容即可查阅正确答案】 【下一期内容的正确答案解析】 I think Phil has to face the fact that she no longer loves him. 我想Phil不得不面对她不再爱他这个事实。