

2021-09-14    08'00''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

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图片、配乐及文字归原版权方或原作者所有 录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix 背景音乐:1.Another World - 햇살...바람...그리고 너 2.凌阳 - 夜的钢琴曲五 节目源自微信公众号:英语美文朗读 你的名字 源自:网络 | 主播:孟飞Phoenix I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. 我把你的名字写在沙滩,可浪却把它冲散。 I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. 我把你的名字写在蓝天,可风却把它吹散。 I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay. 我把你的名字写在心间,它就永远留在那里。 In 2016, the film, Your Name, showed in the mainland, which is so popular among the younger. Like a landscape shining after heavy rain, it feels like real life with the sharpness, brightness and sensation turned right up. Teenage Mitsuha is bored with her life in rural Japan; Taki is a boy in heroine’s age, living in Tokyo. Just a few times a week, it’s unexpectedly that they wake up in each other’s bodies. They have to navigate their everyday lives without knowing where to find anything or who anybody is. While in the end, Taki decides to search for Mistuha and Mistuha attends to do the same. Finally, they find out they don't live in the same time during the body swap. 深受年轻人欢迎的《你的名字》2016年在国内上映。像一场大雨过后的闪闪发亮的风景,它就像是把现实生活调得更加清晰、明亮,更有感觉。女主角厌倦了日本乡下的生活;而男主角是与女主角三叶年龄相仿的东京高中生。一个星期总会有几次,早上他们醒来时,竟然彼此互换了身体。因此,他们不得不面对完全陌生的环境与完全陌生的人们,努力维系着日常生活。后来两人都决定去寻找对方,却发现两人身体交换时根本不生活在同一时间线上。 “To avoid forgetting about each other, Mitsuha, let’s write down our names.” However, their memories about each other have been wiped away unavoidably. Eight years later, Taki can't figure out why he was drawn to Itomori, he can’t understand why he was so obsessed with the stories happened there.“ 为了避免我们醒来后会忘记,我们写下自己的名字吧”,而两人关于对方的记忆,却都还是被抹掉了,八年后的男主角立花泷,甚至已经不记得当初为什么要去糸守镇,为什么曾经对那里发生的事情如此上心。 “Once in a while,I find myself crying when I wake up”,Mitsuha once said. 女主角曾经说过,“时常发生的是,醒来的时候不知道自己为什么会哭。” “I can never recall the dreams that I must have had. The sensation that I've lost something, lingers for a long time after I wake up.” Taki once said.“ 做过的梦总是回想不起,有一种忘记了什么的失落感总是萦绕于我心。”男主角曾说。 Your Name, this film, is a tale of what happens to a boy and girl who are destined to meet. Neither one knows it yet, but somewhere out there is a person they are bound to care deeply about. And it seems like we have been searching for something that even we can’t remember. 讲述一对注定相遇的男孩和女孩身上发生的故事。他们还不知道这份命运,但就在某处,有一个人他们终将深深牵挂。而我们也好像一直都在寻找什么,但我们自己都不记得了。 The rhythm of modern city life is always very fast. We are all-nighters for coming meetings,sometimes run off our feet for our presentations. On the street, we hurry for all directions and we are too busy to dress up for a date,having difficulty in moving on and starting a new relationship. 都市的生活节奏总是很快,我们为准备会议而通宵未眠,为陈述报告焦头烂额。大街上我们行色匆匆,穿梭而行。我们也懒得精心打扮赴一场约会,更何况是向陌生人重新交待一遍自己的人生。 It has been such a long time that we gradually get used to be alone. 太久了,我们已经逐渐地习惯了一个人。 We finally grow up to be the men and women that we’ve always dreamt of since our childhood, but somehow we are mature enough and behave like the robots that without feelings and love. In a relationship, we are supposed to be simple, instead, we play tricks and wrap other around our little fingers. We lay emphasis on receiving and losing that we are afraid of giving. 我们终于长成了我们儿时就渴望成为的大人,但不知为何我们成熟得像一个无爱无欲的机器人,在本应简单的爱情里,我们熟练地玩套路,熟练地周旋于每段感情中,计较得失,害怕付出。 Falling in love is supposed to human’s instinct, but the situation doesn't appear the same. Girls and boys, who burst into tears in rain now calmly let tears run down from their eyes, tell themselves they’ve got work to do tomorrow. 相爱本应是人类天性,但现状并非如此。那个曾经会在大雨里痛哭的姑娘与少年,如今只是冷冷地让眼泪流下,然后告诉自己明天还有一大堆工作要做。 Nevertheless,some are willing to hold dear to love. At the moment Mitsuha and Taki met with each other, tears welled from our eyes. 然而,总有些人还是愿意相信爱的。三叶与泷擦肩而过的瞬间,我们泪流满面。 “What had caught my interest so much is now a mystery to me. But at a point, I was drawn to the events surrounding that comet.” “我也不知道为何我会如此在意,但是那段时间,我对那颗彗星的事情感兴趣。” “I feel like I am always searching for something, for someone.” “我好像一直在寻找着什么,寻找着谁。”