

2022-04-26    02'54''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

2374 11

Half is not Enough 半而未满 ​ 作者:纪伯伦 | 主播:孟飞Phoenix Do not love half lovers 不挚爱,那些投入一半的爱人 Do not entertain half friends 不取悦,那些交付一半的友人 Do not indulge in works of the half talented 不沉迷,那些浮于一半的文化 Do not live half a life and do not die a half death 若生,就不半死不活;若死,就不带走云彩 If you choose silence, then be silent 若沉默,就无声 When you speak, do so until you are finished 若雄辩,就淋漓 Do not silence yourself to say something 不靠欲言又止来表达 And do not speak to be silent 不用止而又言来自讨无趣 If you accept, then express it bluntly 如接纳,就坦然 Do not mask it 不扭捏作态 If you refuse then be clear about it 如拒绝,就明白 for an ambiguous refusal 因为暧昧的拒绝 is but a weak acceptance 就是半推半就 Do not accept half a solution 不屈从一半的解答 Do not believe half-truths 不相信一半的真相 Do not dream half a dream 不做半个梦 Do not fantasize about half hopes 不幻想半个期待 Half a drink will not quench your thirst 半口水,岂能消渴? Half a meal will not satiate your hunger 半顿饭,岂能裹腹? Half the way will get you nowhere 半途,岂是终点? Half an idea will bear you no results 半念,岂会结果? Your other half is not the one you love 你的另一半,不是你所爱的一半 It is you in another time yet in the same space 她是你,在同一空间,另一时间 It is you when you are not 做着你没做的事情 Half a life is a life you didn't live, 活着你没活的人生 A word you have not said 一句没出口的话 A smile you postponed 一朵推迟的微笑 A love you have not had 一段未敢的爱情 A friendship you did not know 一个未知的朋友 To reach and not arrive 你伸出手,却没抓住的那些种种 Work and not work 你出工却没出力的凡事 Attend only to be absent 你身在却心不在的场合 What makes you a stranger to them closest to you and they strangers to you 那些终究把擦肩而过的人,稍纵即逝的机缘变成陌生的不作为 The half is a mere moment of inability 那些瞬间的看似的无能为力 but you are able for you are not half a being 但你,你有能力,你不是一半 You are a whole that exists 你是一个完整的人 to live a life not half a life 所以别活半满的人生 录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix 图片:Marta Wave 文本源自网络,归原作者所有 BGM:①文武贝 - 慢慢喜欢你 ②文武贝 - 人世间 孟叔的微博:孟飞Phoenix