听书学英语| 英文版《小王子》精读-Chapter 17

听书学英语| 英文版《小王子》精读-Chapter 17

2017-12-12    09'52''

主播: 知米背单词

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"Yes, that is true," I said. And the little prince added: "But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart..." I had drunk the water. I breathed easily. At sunrise the sand is the color of honey. And that honey color was making me happy, too. What brought me, then, this sense of grief? "You must keep your promise," said the little prince, softly, as he sat down beside me once more. "What promise?" "You know-- a muzzle (口罩)for my sheep... I am responsible for this flower..." I took my rough drafts of drawings out of my pocket. The little prince looked them over, and laughed as he said: "Your baobabs(猴面包树)-- they look a little like cabbages( 卷心菜)." "Oh!" I had been so proud of my baobabs! "Your fox-- his ears look a little like horns; and they are too long." And he laughed again. "You are not fair, little prince," I said. "I don‘t know how to draw anything except boa constrictors (大蟒蛇)from the outside and boa constrictors from the inside." "Oh, that will be all right," he said, "children understand." So then I made a pencil sketch of a muzzle. And as I gave it to him my heart was torn(心痛欲裂). "You have plans that I do not know about," I said. But he did not answer me. He said to me, instead: "You know-- my descent(拜访) to the earth... Tomorrow will be its anniversary(周年纪念)." Then, after a silence, he went on: "I came down very near here." And he flushed(脸红). And once again, without understanding why, I had a queer sense of sorrow(忧伤). One question, however, occurred to me: "Then it was not by chance(偶然地) that on the morning when I first met you-- a week ago-- you were strolling along like that, all alone, a thousand miles from any inhabited region(居住区)? You were on the your back to the place where you landed?" The little prince flushed again. And I added, with some hesitancy(犹豫): "Perhaps it was because of the anniversary?" The little prince flushed once more. He never answered questions-- but when one flushes does that not mean "Yes"? "Ah," I said to him, "I am a little frightened--" But he interrupted me. "Now you must work. You must return to your engine. I will be waiting for you here. Come back tomorrow evening..." But I was not reassured(安心的). I remembered the fox. One runs the risk of weeping(悲伤) a little, if one lets himself be tamed(驯服的)... Beside the well there was the ruin of an old stone wall. When I came back from my work, the next evening, I saw from some distance away my little price sitting on top of this wall, with his feet dangling(摇晃的). And I heard him say: "Then you don‘t remember. This is not the exact spot(地点)." Another voice must have answered him, for he replied to it: "Yes, yes! It is the right day, but this is not the place." I continued my walk toward the wall. At no time did I see or hear anyone. The little prince, however, replied once again: "--Exactly. You will see where my track(踪迹) begins, in the sand. You have nothing to do but wait for me there. I shall be there tonight." I was only twenty metres from the wall, and I still saw nothing. After a silence the little prince spoke again: "You have good poison(毒药)? You are sure that it will not make me suffer too long?" I stopped in my tracks, my heart torn asunder; but still I did not understand. "Now go away," said the little prince. "I want to get down from the wall." I dropped my eyes, then, to the foot of the wall-- and I leaped into the air. There before me, facing the little prince, was one of those yellow snakes that take just thirty seconds to bring your life to an end. Even as I was digging into my pocked to get out my revolver I made a running step back. But, at the noise I made, the snake let himself flow easily across the sand like the dying spray of a fountain(喷泉), and, in no apparent hurry, disappeared, with a light metallic sound, among the stones. I reached the wall just in time to catch my little man in my arms; his face was white as snow. "What does this mean?" I demanded. "Why are you talking with snakes?" I had loosened the golden muffler that he always wore. I had moistened his temples, and had given him some water to drink. And now I did not dare ask him any more questions. He looked at me very gravely, and put his arms around my neck. I felt his heart beating like the heart of a dying bird, shot with someone‘s rifle...(980words) -重点句子解析- 1. It was as sweet as some special festival treat. This water was indeed a different thing from ordinary nourishment. Its sweetness was born of the walk under the stars, the song of the pulley, the effort of my arms. It was good for the heart, like a present. When I was a little boy, the lights of the Christmas tree, the music of the Midnight Mass, the tenderness of smiling faces, used to make up, so, the radiance of the gifts I received. 「the radiance of the gifts I received」:“我得到的礼物闪耀着光芒”。这光芒就是 the Christmas tree, the music of the Midnight Mass, the tenderness of smiling faces 这一切组成的,它们让家里有了欢乐的氛围,我感受到礼物都发着光。而在沙漠里找到的水,像节日一样甜蜜美好,此时的水,已经不只是普通的营养物了。像圣水一样,它的甜美来自星光下的跋涉,轱辘的歌唱, 以及臂膀的努力。 2.“…You were on your back to the place where you landed?” 「on your back to...」:大家在“your”和“back”中间加个“way”就好理解了:“你是要回到你降落的地方去吗?”这里,大家就当作“way”被省略了来理解就行~ 3. I dropped my eyes, then, to the foot of the wall—and I leaped into the air. 「 drop my eyes」:垂下眼睑。 「 leap into the air」:跳跃到空中。这个意思套进去好像不对呢?在这里我们要联系下文来看哦~下文就讲到作者总算看清小王子在和谁说话啦!他竟然是在和一条毒蛇对话,作者很震惊,所以其实是吓了一大跳哈( leaped into the air)。 这一段讲作者看到蛇的不自主的恐惧。 好啦,这就是我们Chapter 17的学习内容,不知道大家都听懂了没有呢?那么在节目中呢我们也会给出大家英文原文还有这些重点句子的解析内容,希望大家在听完之后一定要再自己读一遍,同时呢记住这些重点的词汇和句型,这对英语学习是非常重要的,一定一定要自己再读一遍哦。好啦,我们本期的讲解就到这里啦,如果大家有什么意见和问题的话欢迎大家随时跟我联系,如果你喜欢我们的节目的话也请点赞和分享哦。今天就这样啦,我们下期再会喽。