

2024-07-28    15'35''

主播: 一席英语

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♬主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国) ♬歌曲 :can you hear me?(byMunn) 今天我们来聊一聊最近的一部关于“中式教育”的电影——《抓娃娃》(Successor)。 01. 影片名《抓娃娃》和Successor Successor意为“继承者”,指影片中父亲马成钢培养儿子马继业为自己的“继承者”。而“抓娃娃”则为“抓孩子”或者抓孩子的education(教育)。 [图片] 02. 《抓娃娃》的影片内容 There was a tycoon(富翁) named Ma Chenggang who had two sons.由于长子(his elder son)在优渥的条件下(under the favorable conditions)没多大成就,马成钢将此归咎于the living conditions were so good that he did not appreciate them。他觉得大儿子没能“成才”肯定是因为没有艰苦条件的磨炼。 [图片] Then he decided that he would make sure (决定要确保) that his youngest son would be admitted to Qingbei University (小儿子被清北大学录取) to fulfill the wish that he had not been able to fulfill at that time. [图片] Ma Chenggang paid for a professional team (成立一个专业团队) to simulate his growth environment (模仿他的成长环境) in order for his son to be admitted to Qingbei University.这和《楚门的世界》一样细思极恐,周围的人都是一群演员。你生活的方方面面都暴露在摄像头下。There are even people who are specializing in analyzing your micro-expressions (有人专门分析你的微表情). [图片] 在发现真相后,继业打算break free from his father's control(摆脱他父亲的控制),去实现他自己的抱负(to fulfill his own aspirations):成为一名long-distance runner(长跑运动员)。 其实,继业从小就喜欢长跑,但是后来因为父亲和周围的人都欺骗他,让他觉得他不适合这条道路,于是他就放弃了。The last scene shows Jiye running a marathon (最后一幕是继业跑马拉松). This is supposed to be a cause for celebration (本来是值得庆祝的事). All's well that ends well (皆大欢喜).But this is not fairy tale (童话故事). 他本来是第一名,但由于他以前developed habit of excessive frugality(养成了过度节俭的习惯),他看到空瓶子就想捡起来,等到捡完后,所有的选手都超过了他。 [图片] This reflects that his parents' previous wrong education methods (之前错误的教育方法) had already had a profound effect on him (对他产生了深刻的影响).有很多网友都表示:这令人窒息的“中式教育”! Authoritarian parenting (专制型教育) is a style of child-raising that emphasizes high standards (强调高标准) and a tendency to control kids (控制孩子) through shaming, the withdrawal of love, or other punishments (通过羞辱、撤回爱或其他惩罚). [图片] But once people equalize Chinese education with authoritarian (一旦将中国教育等同于独裁主义), 必定会增加对中国教育的误解和偏见(misunderstanding and prejudice)。Because after all, not everything about Chinese education is negative (并不是关于中国教育的一切都是负面的). There are good aspects of traditional Chinese education, such as the importance that families place on cultivating a sense of frugality (培养节俭意识), self-reliance (自立) and filial piety (孝顺) in their children. [图片] These are increasingly overlooked by modern youth (这些越来越被现代年轻人所忽视). 就像这次的抓娃娃电影,人们好像一提到中国式教育首先想到的就是suffering parenting, guilt-based parenting and control-based parenting(过度的苦难教育,内疚式还有控制式教育)。 People may have their reasons for interpreting it that way, but anyway they're not exactly the same. 03. 一些错误的教育方法 (1)Suffering parenting(过度的苦难教育) Suffering parenting refers to a form of education in which the recipient (受教育者) is made to undergo suffering (遭受痛苦) in order to improve his or her overall qualities (为了提高整体素质).For example, it's supposed to develop a sense of frugality(节俭意识) and resilience(抗压能力). [图片] However, most of the so-called "suffering parenting" that exists nowadays is just a formality (现存的多数“苦难教育”仅停留于形式) and does not serve the purpose of education (与其教育初衷相违背). [图片] Flora saw a video posted by a mom complaining about her daughter (视频关于一个母亲抱怨自己的女儿). 她带着女儿出去旅行,本可以给她买一张seat ticket(坐票),但她却intentionally bought a standing ticket(故意买了一张站票)。They traveled for hours and her daughter cried the whole way (她们有几个小时的车程,女儿哭了一路). [图片] What's even more unbelievable is that this mother is still complaining to the internet that her daughter doesn't understand her good intentions. What a terrible mindset! (2)Guilt-based education (内疚式教育) Guilt-based parenting is when parents control their children by making them feel guilty (通过让他们感到内疚来控制孩子) through showing weakness (通过表现出软弱) and complaining(抱怨) or even self-mutilation (甚至是自残). 其实内疚式教育就是以爱为名的情感绑架。它会让孩子产生sense of guilt(愧疚感)、增加mental stress(心理压力),削弱他们的self-esteem and self-confidence。最经典的就是餐桌上的一句:我舍不得吃,都留给你吃。 [图片] (3)Control-based parenting(控制式教育) It is when parents or educators control their children's lives, learning, socialization, and hobbies (控制孩子的生活、学习、社交和业余爱好) to achieve their goals (去实现他们的目标). 这类父母通常控制欲极强。 [图片] 文本长度有限,更多内容请关注“一席文化”公众号查看。