老外来了特辑 | 老外离开中国后,最恋恋不舍的是……

老外来了特辑 | 老外离开中国后,最恋恋不舍的是……

2024-10-24    09'13''

主播: 一席英语

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♬主播:Maelle(法国)+Selah(美国) ♬歌曲:I Count on Me 今天梅莉和Selah要聊一聊“what theymiss about China”! 到国外后最想念中国的什么。 Maelle在国外和她的中国朋友说她准备“回国”时,他们都会笑,因为Maelle虽然是外国人,但是她说的回国也是中国。China is truly home for Maelle. [图片] What do they miss most after leaving China? 01. China's Cuisine Convenient Lifestyle 中国的美食和便捷的生活方式 Selah misses food being delicious, fresh, and cheap. When Maelle really misses Asian food, she finds it quite hard to find good and reasonably priced places. In the US, food is often very processed, and eating out can be very expensive.In France theyhave really good food. Maellewould notcomplain on that, but it can be quite expensive for sure, especially coming from China. [图片] Besides food, Selahalso missespublic transportation. 在中国想去任何地方可以乘公共交通工具and it is very easy! You can take a bus, metro(地铁), taxi and so much more. It is so different in the states. 在美国公共交通不是特别的方便。In the US, everyone has to have their own car. 除了大城市like New York or Los Angeles, 其他地方必须得有自己的交通工具。It’s not so convenient. [图片] This is something Maellereally missesabout China, how quickly and convenient everything is. 梅莉觉得在中国生活真的很方便, like ordering food, and all the services such as滴滴, 达达, 代驾, and so much more.It is cheap, fast, easily accessible(容易获取)and makes life so much easier. 02. Chinese Healthy Lifestyle and Hospitality 中国人健康的生活方式和待客之道 Selahreally missesthe ability to walk everywhere. In the US, shemostly sits, either at herdesk at work or in hercar. Selah感觉中国人每天walk so much everywhere, this has to be so much healthier! Maelle really misses going to the parks in the morning or at night in China and seeing the older people dancing and exercising. She always found it to be so wholesome (有益健康). This isn’t something she sees old people do in France. 在中国,梅莉经常会看到老人早上在公园里健身,晚上跳广场舞,真的很有意思,而且很健康! [图片] Something Selah also misses is how welcoming Chinese people are towards foreigners. They always want to have a conversation with her. Maelle definitely misses the hospitality (热情好客) in China. When Selah lived in China, she would get many questions every time she left the house like, “你是哪里人?你怎么会说中文?你在这儿住了多久?你更喜欢美国还是中国?你喜欢吃饺子吗?” [图片] Maellewould have very similar experiences. Shealways findsit so nice to be able to start a conversation and get to know people. They are very approachable(平易近人). Selah said people in the US are kind and welcoming, but they can sometimes look intimidating or unapproachable.It can be like that in France as well. 03. Interesting Traditions of Chinese Festivals中国节日的有趣传统 China has many holidays, like 中秋节,端午节,春节 with many traditions. The US has holidays and traditions, but theyhave a shorter history. There are so many fun activities during the holidays, it is always so fun to participate. Selahmissesthe red decorations (装饰品) around 春节 and the traditions like 红包 and包饺子. [图片] Maelle totally agrees. And she thinks that how everyone gathers to set fireworks is so special! Selah misses hearing fireworks for holidays. They are not allowed where shelivesother than New Years and the4thof July. They are not allowed in France either. Maelle doesn’t see them often expect for special occasions (除了特殊场合). [图片] 04. Changes and Constancy in Chinese Cities中国城市的变与不变 Maellereally missesspeaking Chinese everyday. Selahdoesnot use it as much anymore. Maelle also missesthe dynamic pace of development(充满活力的发展步伐)in China. There is always something changing. Cities in China are always evolving, with new buildings, restaurants, and innovations popping up(突然出现).It is always exciting and you don’t know what might pop up next! [图片] Lastly, the 24/7 availability (全天候服务). In France, everything is basically closed on Sundays, and shop hours are quite limited. Maelle really misses how in China, food delivery (外卖), shops, and restaurants are always open. It’s great for emergencies or spontaneous plans—there’s always something open! There are some places like that in the US, but it is mostly fast food and even then, they will usually close after midnight(在午夜后关门). [图片]