

2021-04-22    16'21''

主播: 一席英语

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主播:Selah | 翩翩 音乐:Feel the Need 之前节目,给大家推荐过非常好用的词典,比如Merriam-Webster(韦氏词典)。但这些词典的专业性很强,用起来难免会觉得boring。今天,给大家推荐一个有趣又轻松的词典——HipDict。 What is HipDict? HipDict 嬉皮词典,了解一下 HipDict: Hip: hip指时尚的 Dict: short for dictionary 是dictionary的缩写 HipDict这部“词典”特别在哪? What is special about it? It has pictures. It puts words in a very readable(可读的) way. The definitions are easy to understand and very relatable(能引起人的共鸣). It takes normal words and writes other definitions for them. 用普通单词来解释,并且给出的定义与常规不同。 这些定义很funny,有的甚至很 sarcastic,非常relatable。人们甚至觉得,该词典给出的解释,比词本身的含义更好,true to real life(更贴切)。 *sarcastic /sɑ:rˈkæstɪk/ adj.挖苦的,讽刺的 *relatable adj.有共鸣的 HipDict有多受欢迎? It has 2.7 million followers. 有270万的粉丝。 3)这部“词典”编辑是谁? The account is a “crowdsourced” dictionary. *crowdsourced:群策群力的 Crowd is the source for the dictionary. 诸多网友是这个词典的编辑,是词义贡献者。 Baidu baike is a crowdsourced website. 百度百科是一个群策群力的网站。 4)为什么人们喜欢它? It is sarcastic and relatable.(解释有讽刺性,能让人产生共鸣。) You feel like there is a shared feeling, or way to understand the world.你会找到情感互通的感觉。 接下来,就给大家选HipDict里12个词来解释一下。 开始之前,这些表示“好笑”的词,请先收下,以免一会儿词穷。 funny 搞笑的 hilarious /hɪˈleriəs/ 滑稽的 entertaining 有趣的 relatable 有共鸣的 2.Some words from HipDict 搞笑HipDict词汇分享 Zodiac sign: an excuse for people to justify their shitty behavior. 星座:人们为他们的糟糕行为辩护的借口。 *justify /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ/ v. 证明……有理 *shitty/ˈʃɪti/ adj.较差的;糟糕的 Starbucks: a place where people show off their laptops. 星巴克:一个人们炫耀笔记本电脑的地方。 *show off 炫耀 2020: a kinda bad year for me but a really good year for my dog who did not have to be alone for a single second. 2020:对我来说,是有点糟糕的一年,但对我的狗来说,却是非常好的一年,因为它不需要独自待着。 因为新冠疫情,有隔离(quarantine),所以家里的狗狗就有人陪了。 2021: Season 2 of 2020. 2021:疫情还在持续,所以,2021是2020的第二季。 English teachers: people who put more thoughts into a novel than the original author ever did. 语文老师:过度解读小说的人,可能会让original author(原著作者)学到新的东西。 *original author:原著作者 Weekend: time goes by so quickly even though I’m doing nothing all day. 周末:什么都没做,时间就那么过去了。 那什么是week呢? Selah机智地给出了“week”的定义: Week:time goes by so slowly even though I’m doing everything 翩翩老师通过声音给“week”下了定义: Mon...day... , Tues...day... , Wednes...day.... , ..., Friday, Sat. , Sun. Poor: when you have too much month at the end of your money. 贫穷:钱花完了,但日子还长。 * at the ends of... :在……的最后 Birthday: you only have one. The rest are just anniversaries. 生日:你只有一个,后面的只是纪念日 * anniversary /ˌænɪˈvɜ:rsəri/:纪念日 I haven’t started it either: the most encouraging words you’ll hear as a student. 我也还没开始呢:学生时代听到的最有安慰的话。 尤其是the day before school starts(开学前一天),听到同学这么说,真是莫大的安慰。 Adulthood: wanting to sleep all day and then delaying going to sleep all night. 成人期:一整天想睡觉,但晚上却又迟迟不入睡。 You are what you eat: bullshit. I don’t remember eating anxiety and back pain. 你就是你吃的东西:胡说。我不记得吃过焦虑和背痛啊。 In a minute: I’m going to take another 15 minutes. 马上:再等15分钟。 These are so funny, hilarious, entertaining, relatable. 这些单词那么有趣,我们怎么样才能使用这个词典呢? 它是Instagram上的一个page,你输入HipDict,就能找到了。(但首先你得先翻个墙) 请留言告诉我们: 你喜欢这个HipDict吗?