贺拉斯的警世诗一首李锡尼啊,一个人既不该永远为了开阔的大海抗击,也不该恐惧暴风而过于谨慎,过于紧拥 参差的海岸。珍视中庸之道的人明智得难以住在污秽之屋,却也明智地避开那种 招致嫉妒的豪宅。高高的松树风会更无情地摧残,高塔坍塌下来更加沉重;而恰恰是山顶 被雷电轰击。为命运的转变做好准备的心啊在困境希望,在欢乐时警醒。朱庇特带来恼人的冬天 而同一个神也把它带走。今日的厄运有一天会转好:有时阿波罗唤醒沉睡的里拉琴来歌唱,他也并不 总是弯弓欲射。在每一个艰难中显示你自己勇敢无畏;可是当你跑到一阵过强的和风之前,聪明地 收起你鼓胀的风帆。Horace II, 10Neither should one, Licinius, beat foreverFor the open sea, nor from a fear of galesBecome too cautious, and too closely hug The jagged shore.A man who cherishes the golden meanHas too much sense to live in a squalid house,Yet sensibly eschews the sort of mansion That asks for envy.It is the tall pine that the wind more cruellyBuffets, the high tower that falls with the heavier Crash; and it is the very crest of the mountain Where lightning strikes.A heart that’s well prepared for shifts of fortuneHopes in adversity, and in happy timesIs wary. Jupiter brings afflicting winter, And the same godTakes it away. Today’s ill-luck will somedayChange for the better: sometimes Apollo wakensThe slumbering lyre to song, nor is he always Bending the bow.In every hardship show yourself to beBoth brave and bold; yet when you run beforeToo strong a favoring breeze, wisely take in Your swelling sails.
Horacetranslated by Richard Wilbur作者 / [古罗马] 贺拉斯翻译 / Adieudusk 根据理查德-威尔伯英译转译朗读 / Katie Nelson制作/ Rebekah 出品 / 读首诗再睡觉(weixin号:dushoushizaishuijiao)