

2019-07-08    01'16''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

879 4

不断展开的天空 如此微小的我在不断展开的天空下 走在夜晚的沙滩。 湿沙子在我的脚下雀跃, 当浪头雷击海岸。 我从人行栈道上走开 离开流光溢彩的人群 还有灯光闪烁的旅馆。 千百里的长风在耳边叹息。 我消失在深远的黑暗里 我隐去在人们的视线中。 我是一个小小的贝壳 被海浪悄悄推到岸边。 大洋的涛声在我的身体里激荡。 我是如此微小以至于无人可以看到。 但为什么我的身体中 充溢着如此巨大的爱意? 作者 / [美国] 爱德华·赫西 翻译 / 光诸 ​ The Widening Sky I am so small walking on the beach at night under the widening sky. The wet sand quickens beneath my feet and the waves thunder against the shore. I am moving away from the boardwalk with its colorful streamers of people and the hotels with their blinking lights. The wind sighs for hundreds of miles. I am disappearing so far into the dark I have vanished from sight. I am a tiny seashell that has secretly drifted ashore and carries the sound of the ocean surging through its body. I am so small now no one can see me. How can I be filled with such a vast love? EDWARD HIRSCH