

2018-10-03    02'22''

主播: 经典英语朗读

9688 149

Every morning, you are defining how your life would be like. 每一天早上,你都在定义你未来人生的模样。 No, I'm not saying the cliche that every morning you have the chance to make a different decision. 不,我并不是在说“你每天早上都可以做出不同的抉择”这种陈词滥调。 What I'm suggesting is that how you choose to live your morning speaks a lot about how you choose to live your life. 我的意思是,你过每一个早上的态度在很大程度上都说明了你过这一生的态度。 There are people who choose to get out of the bed in the last minute and grab whatever they can get to eat or even give up breakfast all together. 有的人选择早上在最后一刻才起床,随便抓点什么当早餐或者干脆不吃早餐了。 These people are choosing to make their lives failures, 这些人是在选择让自己的生活变得失败, because apparently they have no idea how to make solid plans and make life organized. 因为他们显然不知道如何制定有效的计划,并让生活仅仅有条。 There are another kind of people who choose to make every morning in order. 还有一种人,他们选择让每个早晨都过得有规律。 They get up relatively early and can finish a lot of things before they go to work. 他们会在一个比较早的时间起床,并且能在上班前搞定很多事情。 That makes the whole day way easier for them and make them more productive in the office. 这会让他们的一天都轻松得多,也会让他们在上班的时候更有创造力。 Yes, how you live your morning does speak a lot about how you live your life. 是的,你如何过你的早上,你就如何过你的一生。 Don't underestimate it. 千万别小看了这一点。