

2018-10-17    04'08''

主播: 经典英语朗读

11323 174

What does it mean to be a lover ? 爱一个人意味着什么? It is more than just being marriage or making love to someone. 爱一个人,不只是与其结婚或者Making love. Millions of people are married but few are real lovers. 成千上万的人结婚,却只有极少人真正相爱。 To be a real lover,you must commit to and participant in a perpetual dance intimacy with you partner. 真正爱一个人,你要承诺与你的另一半永远亲密无间。 You are a lover when you appreciate the gift your partner is celebrate that gift every day. 爱一个人,就要把你的爱人当成上天赐予的礼物,要每天歌颂你的爱人。 You are a lover when you remember that your partner does not belong to you. 爱一个人,就要记住他并不属于你, He or she is on loan from the universe. 他是上苍借给你的宝贝。 You are a lover when you realize that nothing that happens between you will be insignificant, 爱一个人,你要知道,你和爱人之间发生的任何事都是有意义的。 that everything you say in the relationship has the potential to cause your beloved joy or sorrow, and everything you do will either strengthen your connection or weaken it. 你说的没一句话都可以使爱人伤心或难过,你做的每一件事都可能增进或减少你们之间的爱情。 You are a lover when you understand all this, 作为爱人,你必须明白这些道理。 and thus wake up each morning filled with gratitude that you have another day in which to love and enjoy your partner , 每天早上你醒来时,要感谢上苍,你又有一天的时间可以去爱和拥有你的爱人。 When you have a lover in your life,you are richly blessed. 拥有一个人爱人,你的生活就充满了祝福。 You have been given the gift of another person who has chosen to walk beside you. 上苍赐予你的礼物,就是有一个爱人与你同行。 He or she will share your days and your nights,your bed and you burdens. 爱人和你朝夕相伴,同床共枕、同甘共苦。 Your lover will seek you out where you have been hiding,and create a haven for you within safe,loving arms. 无论你身藏何处,爱人都会把你找到。爱人会用安全的,充满爱的双臂为你营造一个温馨的港湾。 Your lover offers you an abundance of miracles every day. 爱人每天给你带来无限的奇迹。 He has the power to delight you with his smile,his voice,the scent of his neck,the way he moves. 他的微笑,他的声音,他脖颈上的气味,他走路的方式,都是你快乐的源泉。 She has the power to banish your loneliness.He has the power to turn the ordinary into the sublime. 爱人能驱赶你的孤独。爱人会化平凡为高尚,使生活得到升华。 She is your doorway to heaven here to earth. 爱人是你从尘世到达天堂的阶梯。