

2018-10-31    02'49''

主播: 经典英语朗读

12075 170

It's better to stay single and realize marriage isn't the most important milestone in the world 保持单身更好,并认识到婚姻并不是世界上最重要的里程碑, than to force yourself into the wrong relationship, because you feel like that is what you are supposed to be doing at this age. 不要因为你觉得在这个年龄应该去做什么,就强迫自己陷入一段错误的关系。 It's better to stay single and make your own decisions than be controlled by someone who thinks they are allowed to tell you what to wear, 保持单身更好,做出自己的决定,而不是被Ta告知你该穿什么, who to text, and when you should be coming home at the end of the night. 该给谁发短信,该几点回家。 It's better to stay single and feel like you are in a safe place 保持单身更好,这会让你处于安全的空间, than settle for someone who makes you feel like you are always walking on eggshells to avoid sparking another argument. 而不是为了避免争吵而总是让你如履薄冰。 It's better to stay single and spend your time on yourself 保持单身更好,多花时间在自己身上, than waste your time on someone who is never going to fully appreciate all you have to offer. 而不是浪费时间在一个永远不会欣赏的人身上。 It's better to stay single and learn how to take care of yourself 保持单身更好,学会如何照顾自己, than to rely on somebody else to make your money and cook your dinners and clean your sheets. 而不是依靠别人赚钱、做饭和整理床单。 It's better to stay single and enjoy your privacy 保持单身更好,享受你自己的空间, than have someone snoop through your text and follow your car to work because they don't trust that you are going to stay loyal. 而不是让Ta偷看你的短信,跟踪你的车,只因为Ta不相信你会忠诚于Ta。 It's better to stay single and feel like you can completely be yourself, 保持单身更好,自在做你自己, than date someone who encourages you to play a role that isn't true to the real you. 而不是去扮演一个Ta想要的不真实的你。 It's better to stay single and learn to love yourself exactly the way you are 保持单身更好,学会如何去爱自己, than date someone who makes you question your beauty, intelligence, and worth on a daily basis. 而不是和质疑你的美好、你的智慧和价值的人在一起。 It's better to stay single and keep all of your close friends 保持单身更好,留住身边亲密的朋友, than get pushed away from them because your person has jealousy issues and wants you all. 而不是因为Ta的嫉妒而推开自己的朋友。 It's better to stay single and discover happiness on your own 保持单身更好,自己去发现幸福, than to let that happiness depend entirely upon another person who can ruin your day in a heartbeat. 而不是将幸福完全依赖于一个在瞬间就能毁掉你全部美好的人。 BGM:《你不是真的快乐》钢琴版