Executive producer:薛名扬
I hope you can continue to fight bravely with the world, do not waste every inch of time, gladly accept the suffering of the present, accept every unexpected in life, give yourself a little more confidence, and a few more persistence. "You don't have to be a rose to be a jasmine or a Daisy or a nameless flower if you like."
希望你能继续与世界勇敢交手,不虛掷每一寸光阴,欣然接受眼下的苦难,接受人生里每一个无法预知的不如意,给自己多一点信心,再加几份坚持。“你不一定非得长成玫瑰你乐意的话 做茉莉 做雏菊做无名小花 做千千万万”