

2022-08-04    15'45''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~ Hi, everyone. Welcome back to your favorite segment Global Village. We have in our studio today, a new guest. 他就是来自料理级法式冰淇淋品牌【简法】Dlight 的Vincent. He'll be sharing with us his life stories and love of ice cream. Welcome to the show, Vincent. (French) I will translate and I will say simply I’m very happy to be with you. Okay, good. So first of all, could you give us a very brief self-introduction? Yes, my name is Vincent Giuge. I am French. I was born in Nice in 1971. And I arrived in Asia about 22 years ago. Wow. Yes. That's already quite a long time, 10 years in Vietnam and 12 years in China. I am now very happily married to a Chinese lady with whom I have a baby – Yangyang. I am expecting another kid, actually. Congratulations. Thank you very much. And basically I'm working for Dlight for the past 12 years since I arrived in China, because I became an investor of the company and I am basically in charge of the business development for 简法 for Dlight for the past 12 years. Ah, I see. So basically throughout the 12 years in China, you have been devoting yourself in developing Dlight and being involved in the ice cream business. But how did you get into the ice cream business? Have you ever had any experience in the industry before? Ah, it's an interesting question. Yes, I had a kind of experience, but it was a very long time ago. At that time, it was about 20 years before, when I was a very young man just after finishing my studies, I have been hired into the most famous ice cream parlor in Nice, which name is Fenocchio. And this was a very, very famous ice cream parlor, in which even all the tourists - Italian tourists were going to eat ice cream. And it has been I would say my first contact with what we called very high-quality ice cream, because this parlor was constantly full, and I had the chance to taste excellent ice cream at that time. Apart from that, what brought me to the ice cream business in *** experience. Basically, after 10 years of developing business for various company in Vietnam, I decided to become my own entrepreneur. A friend of mine was one of the partners of Dlight in China. He proposed me - at that time I was looking for investment, I was looking to be partner into a business. And then he proposed me to analyze the business situation. This is what I did, and I decided to change my life and to jump into this new experience because I was believing that their product was absolutely excellent. Yeah, if there's anything that you wanna try to jump into, ice cream has got to be one of the sweetest industries to jump into. Mentioning that, I've noticed that your brand Dlight is advertised as authentic French ice cream. So, I just want to ask what is authentic French ice cream. How is that different from, let's say, other types of ice cream?