

2022-08-07    13'22''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

273 1

酒馆音乐剧板块《曲外之音》,跟璐璐和英国资深音乐剧人Oliver一起品名音乐剧背后的故事,让高雅艺术触手可得~公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】可以索要英语全文稿哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to The Sound of Musicals.欢迎回来【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver. Hello. So actually I was gonna say, can I propose a musical that we're gonna talk about today? Of course. Yeah. It's actually a very new one. It's Hamilton. It has been requested a few times by our listeners. Have you watched or listened to the soundtracks in Hamilton? I have never seen the show, but after it was requested a lot by your audience, I did find the soundtrack online and listen to it, and I can see what’s requested. I did really enjoy the music from it, it was fantastic, it was really good. It's very different, isn't it. Very different from the other things we have talked about, yes, it's a much more modern show with an old topic. The storyline and the plots is historical, a few100 years old, but it's got a very modern take to it with modern music, and a modern cast, and for a modern audience. You say it's a historical musical, it's about the story of Alexander Hamilton,right? What Americans see as one of their founding fathers就是美国人都会视为是开国元勋之一的这个Alexander Hamilton. Yes, so the whole story the whole show is about the life of Alexander Hamilton, who is or was one of the founding fathers of the US, yes, he had a very interesting life. As people know, I like history and this was quite an interesting little section of history to look at, because I don't know much about it before this. Because it is American history, it's very America centric, this whole musical. Yeah, the musical is Americentric because it's the story of one of the people who created the country, it has significance to people in America. And one of the things I didn't understand all of the story that was put forward because a lot of it depends on this background knowledge and just cultural knowledge from living in and growing up in the US and being American which I don't have. But aside from that, it was still very interesting. There are a lot of cultural references in this.