《发刊对谈-上》希腊众神的“朴素”赏罚观:对我好, 就奖你;不然就“搞”你。

《发刊对谈-上》希腊众神的“朴素”赏罚观:对我好, 就奖你;不然就“搞”你。

2022-12-29    11'31''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

261 1

Hi, everyone. And welcome back to 酒馆. Hi, 安澜. Hi 璐璐. Hi everyone. We have a piece of good news. We have yet another new album. 我们的新课程其实不是新课程, 就是一个新专辑。 Yes. 为什么不是课程呢 ,等一下你就知道了, 因为没有那么正经。 Yeah, to be honest, in this we're not really trying to teach in that way. What we're trying to do is we're trying to share something about western culture that is pretty much well known throughout the English-speaking world, but also French, German, and in particular, the Greek speaking world. 关子卖的够多了,这个专辑叫做【Story Time With Lulu And Anlan- Greek Mythology】. Yes. 我们把它叫做【璐璐和安澜的晚安故事-希腊神话篇】, 为什么叫做Story Time With Lulu And Anlan? First of all, we're telling stories Yeah. Second of all, in the future we want to expand this to cover other things. Yes, to be honest, this is really a labor of love. Yeah, and Greek mythology is only the beginning. Yes, that's because Lulu and I, we both love stories. This is one of the things that I would say that most of us are like, we love a good story, we love to be told tales, whether or not we're really young children; or whether or not in our cases, a little bit older than that. 不管是儿童还是成年儿童都喜欢听故事。 And this is something universal, and it has been like that since the beginning of time. Exactly. I would imagine cave people get together to listen to stories. Yeah. But why Greek mythology, 为什么从希腊神话开始, I know that 安澜 has an answer for all of these questions because he absolutely is fascinated with Greek mythology. Basically we chose Greek mythology because I kept nagging Lulu that we really should do Greek mythology because it's something that I love to talk about. But first things first, what is Greek mythology? 我们知道说希腊神话, 希腊神话, 但希腊神话实际上包括的是什么东西? Greek mythology are the myths and legends of ancient Greece, so they're linked to the Gods and Goddesses of ancient Greece. There are so many stories that have come down through the ages. And these were the stories that were told already in ancient Greece. Yeah, they were used to explain what the world was like, they were used to entertain, they were used to teach; same as mythologies around the world. Now what makes Greek mythology I would say even more special is the emphasis and the impact of Greek culture and later Roman culture on western civilization or western societies. More than a little bit later. But first things first, you mentioned Roman, ancient Rome, 就古希腊, 古罗马, 我的历史不好, 所以我在这上面总是有一些confusion, 特别是有一些神在Greek mythology里面它叫一个名字, 但他到了Roman mythology又叫另外一个名字, 是这样吗? 比如说宙斯, Zeus, that's his name in Greek mythology. Yeah, but in ancient Rome, his name was Jupiter. So Zeus and Jupiter that was basically the same character. Yes, I won't go too much into details because it's a bit complicated. But ancient Rome really, really admired ancient Greece. They wanted to base their culture in ancient Greece. I see, so they sort of imitated.