

2023-03-21    09'17''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资! 关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Clean Sleep. Do you know that yesterday was World Sleep Day?大家知道昨天是【世界睡眠日】吗? Sleep is one of those topics that is hugely important to us, but we often tend to ignore it. Regardless of your age, you probably have experienced some form of sleeping disorder at certain point in your life. I know I have. So in today's buzzword, let us take a look at this relatively new idea called Clean Sleep. But before we talk about the buzzword itself, let's take a look at the harmful consequences of poor quality sleep. 不过在我们说 buzzword 之前, 我们先来看看 poor quality sleep睡眠质量不佳可能会导致的一些问题. Poor quality sleep can be unsettling for the metabolism and hormones. 它是会扰乱你的新陈代谢和激素水平, which can lead to weight gain, bad moods, impaired memory, and brain fog, as well as serious health concerns, such as inflammation and reduced immunity, which can increase your risk of chronic disease. 随之而来的就是比如体重上升, 情绪不佳, 记忆力受损, 出现这种类似于脑雾一样的情况, 甚至还会有长期反复的炎症, 免疫力降低, 这也就意味着你可能更容易得慢性病. It goes without saying that poor sleep is terrible from a beauty perspective, that is why sometimes people say they need their beauty sleep. 而且对你的容貌也会产生影响, 这是为什么有些女生会说要睡美容觉beauty sleep. So now let's get to the buzzword itself, what is clean sleep? 这个几年前才出现的概念, 你可以把它翻译成 “洁净睡眠”或者 “清洁睡眠”. Clean sleep is a practice centered around maximizing your sleep hygiene before bedtime. This includes ensuring your mind, body, and sleeping area are all optimized for a healthy night’s rest. 这里的 “清洁睡眠”主要是说要准备你的身、心、 包括你的整个睡眠的区域, 都能够达到一个最好的状态, 最适合你去休息, 也能让你最快入眠. Here I'm gonna share with you some really achievable tips for getting your sleep scrubbed up. 所以要实现这种Clean Sleep和大家分享几个切实可行的小技巧. Number one, eat breakfast every day and within 30 minutes of getting up, this stops the body from running on 'adrenaline energy' which is one of the main causes of shallow, ‘muddy’ sleep. 早上起来尽快吃早餐, 这样你的身体不会只是靠 adrenalin energy, 靠肾上腺素撑着, 这样你会更容易有深层睡眠. Number two, minimize stimulants throughout the day – especially caffeine and refined sugars. Don't use caffeine as a substitute for food especially at breakfast and avoid caffeinated drinks after 2pm. 尽量在你的一天中少接触会让你神经兴奋的这种stimulants, 特别是咖啡因和精制糖. 早餐也不要喝一杯咖啡了事, 尽量在下午2点之后不要喝任何带咖啡因的饮料. Number three, drink 1.5-2 liters of water every day to create clean cells and circulation. This includes fruit juices, non-caffeinated herbal teas, but avoid ‘low sugar’ drinks which may contain colorants, stimulants and other chemicals which can affect your sleep quality.